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Seeing his green eyes looking her up and down Clancy bit her lip "maybe if I don't move he won't see me...like a t-Rex" the young woman mumbled to herself.

"Girl...what are you doing get out of there" a man slowly peaked out of his hidden spot. Slowly lowering himself down a bit so the lid of the trash can looks closed and nobody is inside of it.

"I can't...if he sees me move I'll be dead" the young woman replied in a soft tone. So the massive man before her doesn't hear the conversation.

"He's not like a t-Rex he can see you still...I would just take a chance and wheel yourself out of here" the man hissed as he popped himself down into the garbage can.

Watching the man disappear right in front of her Clancy quickly placed her hands on the wheels and took off as fast as she could. Looking behind her to see the giant picking you the garbage bin Clancy stomach turned knowing the man is about to be eating alive because of her.

"This is my fault...I killed two people...two innocent people" the woman started to slow down until the wheel chair came to a complete stop. Using her sleeves to wipe the tears forming in her eyes she felt a firm hand grabbing her by the shoulder.


Slowly looking up to see a older man looking down at her, "you better get away from me...I got two people killed already...both eating by the giant" Clancy started to wheel herself away. Before getting far the older man ran right in front of her, blocking her path so she can't leave.

"Come hide in here with me until the giant leaves...and once the monster leaves I'll take you back to your home myself"

Bitting her lip Clancy gave a nervous nod "okay" she said looking over her shoulder to see the massive man picking up a charter bus

"Don't look...it will make you sick" the replied in a soft voice as he slowly took Clancy into the nearby building
Sitting in the dark Clancy looked down at her hands "I still can't get the picture out of my mind...of him swallowing the truck whole...it's my fault he got eating" Clancy looked over at the man.

"It's not your fault...he was stupid he should've been hiding"

"I know but if I stayed home and instead of going next door to get my chair fixed....I wouldn't found myself rolling down the hill" Clancy slammed her fist down onto the table. Causing the glass of water to spill everywhere "only if listed to my fiancé and stayed in the kitchen.

"Don't blame yourself for other peoples deaths...they didn't use their brains...and that's why they got eating today" Toby said as he peeks out the window to see where the giant is.

"For now...just rest your eyes...I will wake you when the terror is over"

Slowly nodding her head Clancy slowly wheels herself over to the dark corner "I'll try my best...I don't know if I can" she said slowly closing her eyes.

After what felt like forever Clancy slowly feel to sleep as the screams of terror send chills through her body

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