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Rolling down the sidewalk Clancy looked at her house to see her fiancé looking at her through the window with disapproval writing all over his face.

"Honey come on don't be like that please!" The young woman yelled, hopping her fiancé could hear her. But watching him close the curtain her heart tore into a million of pieces, "it's going to be a long night I can all ready tell" she looked down.

"I'll just ignore him...that's what I'm going to do...go side and head to bed" Clancy gripped the wheels until her knuckles turned pure white. Slowly wheeling herself toward she felt the ground started to shake causing her eyes to go wide.

"Honey! Come out and help! Please! The wheels are not turning to good!" She yelled out. Hopping her man will come out and help her, but seeing him peeking at her from behind the curtain made her blood boil.

Struggling to make her chair move quicker as the heavy foot steps grew closer, Clancy found herself rolling down the hill at fast amount of speed. Closing her eyes tightly, praying to god she'll make this out in one piece. When her chair finally came to a stop she found herself sitting in the middle of and intersection.

Looking around in disbelief she let out a long heavy sigh until she heard car tires screeching to a stop. Quickly looking behind her, the young woman's eyes went wide to see how close she was of getting ran over.

"What the hell are you doing! Move out of the way before you kill us all you stupid bitch!" the man snapped as he leaned his head out the window.

Before Clancy could give a man a response two massive feet landed right behind her, slowly looking up her eyes went wide when she saw a massive hand reaching down for her, but when she realized the hand was lifting up the truck up off the ground she froze in fear. Watching the truck getting tossed in the massive man's mouth, Clancy felt sick to her stomach as she watches the lump travel down the monsters throat.

Still frozen in fear Clancy slowly grabbed the wheels of the wheel chair, trying to spin herself around while keeping her eyes glued on the massive man. The next thing she knew she was locking eyes with him.

(Thanks for the help Wolf_Flower )

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