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Thrashing her arms around in his pocket trying her best Clancy burst out in tears "let me go!!! I want to go home" the young woman punched the giant over and over until the fabric of his pants made her knuckles bleed.

Placing her hands over her face, Clancy didn't see the massive man hand sneaking up behind her until it was to late. Feeling herself getting lifted out of the pocket her eyes went wide "no....no let me go!"

"Now....how did you get there...hmmm?" The massive man dangled the young woman in front of his massive face. "Did you climb in there...to get closer to me?" The giant smirked down at her causing shivers to travel down her back.

"No!!! I feel in there when you threw me high in the air with those man" Clancy crossed arms over her chest. Trying to act brave in front of this massive man but failing horrible.

"Wait that's right...your the girl that was laying on the ground and those bozos tried to help ya" The monster chuckled.

"You're a killer! Those man were innocent and did nothing to you!" She clawed at the massive man's finger. Hoping she'll do some sort of damage but seeing she's not getting a reaction out of him she knew clawing wasn't going to do anything.

"Claw me all you want...nothing is going to happen...here I'll give you a chance to run" the man placed her down onto her feet. Watching her fall flat on her stomach her lifted an eyebrow "what jello legs or something" he asked crouching down while keep his hand beside her.

Whipping the tears out of her eyes Clancy looked at him "I....I can't walk....I paralyzed from the waste down" she sniffed. Using her sleeves to wipe the tears out of her eyes "if you're going to kill me just do it...stop toying with me"

Hearing her words the man looked away "well that won't be a fun challenge for me....I'll make you a deal I'll let you live only on condition" the massive man re lifted her up to his face.

Looking him in his green eyes Clancy gulped "what is the condition?"

"Visit me here every night...and maybe work for me I haven't decided on that one yet" the massive said bring the tiny woman closer to his mouth.

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