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"Is there anything you need? To you know make you feel more at home?" Cliff slowly brought the small woman up to his eyes. Carefully stroking the hair out of her face, the massive man bit his lip "cause this is your home too Clancy"

Grabbing a hold of his finger Clancy closed her eyes "I need some of my stuff...from my old home....like my clothes and some pictures...do you mind taking me to get it?" She tilted her head to the side.

"Yeah we can do that...just find a friend to carry it to the park and I'll do the rest" Cliff reached over and put a ball cap on his head as he made his way out the door with the young woman pressed against his chest.
Sitting in front of her ex's house Clancy swallowed her pride as she knocked on the door. Hearing movement coming from inside she carefully rolled herself back.

As the door swings open she quickly looked away "Clancy....your back....you decided to come home after all" Hank looked down at her with a smile on his face.

"Yeah just to get my stuff than I'm going to head that's all....so if you don't mind can you step off to the side?" She looked up at him. As the memories started to flash before her eyes the young woman quickly looked away.

"Hey...hey what's wrong?" Hank grabbed her arm tightly

"Nothing I just have to go....so please let me grab my stuff Hank....please that's all I ask" the young woman bagged.

"I will just let me do something first okay" Hank slowly leaned  in closer as he kept a good grip on the young woman's arm.

"Hank...what are you-" before Clancy could finish her sentence she felt Hank kissing her.

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