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Pushing Hank off of her Clancy slapped him across the face. "What is wrong with you! Why would you do that!?" Clancy wheels herself down the ramp.

"What I can't kiss my fiancé?" Hank leaned against the door frame. Watching the young woman wiping her mouth franticly he couldn't help but laugh.

"You are not my fiancé.....you lost that title when you hooked up with that girl" Clancy gripped the wheels of her steering wheel. Closing her eyes tightly, trying her best to fight back the tears that are so desperately trying fall.

"You won't find anyone better than me letting you know that right now" Hank walked down the steps with a smug look on his face.

"Actually I found a pretty cool dude...he's scary but once you get past that...he's super sweet" Clancy blushes at the thought of Cliff. Shaking her head Clancy looked up at hank "well you can sell my stuff...cause I don't want to remember anything about you" The young woman gave him one last smile as she wheels off.

Looking back at the house she let out a sigh of relief "okay...get back to cliff than me and him can start our lives together....and I'm super excited for this adventure with him"
Wheeling herself to the meeting spot where she's pose to meet up with Cliff she couldn't help my smile when he saw him waiting. But as she got closer her smile fainted when she saw a scowl on his face "Cliff...what's wrong?"

"You know what's wrong" Cliff glared at her

"I don't know what are you talking about ...are you messing around with me?"

"You know exactly  what I'm taking about! You kissed that dude Don't play stupid" he hissed

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