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Hearing screaming coming from out side Hank walked over to Clancy "if you yell both of us is dead" Hank leaned over the young woman.

"Cliff!!! Cliff I'm in here!" Clancy yelled at the top of her lungs, hoping that he could hear her faint voice from inside the run down building.

"Shut up!" Hank yelled as he smacked the young woman across the face.

Feeling the burning on her cheek Clancy quickly placed her hand on her cheek "fuck you" the young woman whimpered.

"Fuck me....no...fuck you Clancy! Cause of you all of us might die tonight....unless I sneak off and leave you hear to die" Hank pulled his pocket knife and held it against her neck.

"Now I'm going to leave...if you make a peep to draw attention to our location I will-"

Before Hank could finish a loud sound coming above made both him and Clancy to look up to see the entire roof getting ripped off it's foundation.

Seeing the giant looking down at them Hank dropped his knife, slowly backing his way towards the door Hank kept his eyes glued on the massive man before them.

Snapping back to reality Hank made a mad dash towards the door but before he could get far he found himself getting plucked off of the ground.

"Hey! Let me go!"

"That's not going happen.....your going to pay for what you did to her" cliff said, brining the tiny man closer to his face. Watching the tiny man braking down into his hand he couldn't help but laugh "oh so many things I can do to you" Cliff smirked.

"Please don't! I'll do anything I'll work for you...I'll be your servant! Please!" Hank pleaded

"Nah....I got a much better idea than that" cliff laughs as he walked away from the building with the tiny man still in his grasp.

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