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Laying on the pillow by his face Clancy looked over at him with a shy smile. Snuggling into his check Clancy closed her eyes  "must be nice to never get cold" the young woman placed her tiny hand on the corner of his lip.

"Yeah it's a blessing....never getting cold" Cliff looked down at her with his eye. Trying his best not to move to much cause he doesn't want her to fall off the pillow and land down by his crotch.

"So....cliff you never told me how old are you....I'm guessing late 20s" the young woman gave him a light elbow to the cheek. Trying her best to get past of  being scared, especially now after both of them shared a kiss with each other.

"I'm 30....wish I was still in my 20s" cliff wrapped his fingers around her small little form. Slowly placing her on the bridge of his nice Cliff kept his finger on her back.

Looking him in his eyes Clancy looked away "five years apart...so if it does go to boyfriend and girlfriend it wouldn't be a big of a deal" the young woman brushed her hair out of her face.

"Yeah that's not bad.....five years....apart" cliff whispers softly as he ever so carefully stroked the side of her head.

Grabbing his finger Clancy pulled it close to his chest "it's going to take time for me to be around you...and not getting scared of you" Clancy pressed her face against his finger.

Hearing her workers cliff nodded his head in agreement "I totally understand....and if we're going to be officially....I think I should tell you why or how I started to eat you humans" Cliff closed his eyes tightly.

Looking at him in shock Clancy bit her lip "okay...I'm ready to hear it"

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