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Laying in the Meadow feeling the warm sun hitting her face she couldn't help but feel at peace. With the birds chirping and the deers nibbling on some grass not to far from her. Slowly sitting up in the long grass Clancy carefully brushes hand over the blades off grass.

"Did...I die?" She looked around, fear slowly starting to take over. Watching the animals planning in the field she couldn't help but laugh "I...gotta be in her Heaven...and if that is the case I wonder"

Slowly pushing herself up onto her feet Clancy swings her arms in a circle to carful her balance. Slowly taking a few steps forward "I'm walking...I'm walking!" She yelled out an excitement. But like anything else the excitement didn't last long when everything went dead quite.

Looking around to see what's going on her heart sank when she saw a massive man standing on the other side. Quickly spinning around the young woman took off, running as fast her little legs can carry her. Taking a quick glance over her shoulder Only to see the massive man catching up and before she knew she was was surrounded by complete darkness.

"Looks like I caught myself a little snack" the deep voice said, sending chills down Clancy's spine.

"Let me go! I did nothing to you!" She thrashed around in his hand. Using all her might to brake free from this monster.

"Sorry a man gotta eat" the massive man replied in a snarky remark while lifting the tiny woman high above his mouth.

"Well welcome to your new home"

Before Clancy could react she found herself falling into the massive man's maw. After bouncing off his tongue a few times Clancy looked over her shoulder to see the light completely turn into darkness.

"Please...do do this! I'll do anything I'm begging you!" The young woman yelled as she made a mad dash to the front of his mouth.

"Anything huh...being my snack is what I want...so you better enjoy your new home" the massive man tilted his head back, causing Clancy to slide the back of his throat followed by a loud gulping noise witch sent her down to her dungeon.

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