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Quickly sitting up Clancy looked around to see she's back in the building "wait I thought..." she looked around until her eyes landed on the older man. "How long have I've been a sleep?" She rubbed her eyes.

"I say...four hours or so....and the giant is gone now...he ate a total of thirty people" the older man slowly walked over. Crouching down so he could be eye level, the older man placed his arm down beside hers.

Hearing the numbers of how many people lost their lives today man her stomach to turn. "How is this town going to recover after this....this is horrible"

"We will recover....we always do from this but it's going to take time cause he ate way more people this time" the older man slowly pushed himself back up onto his feet.

"How many people does he usually eat...cause it changes every time" Clancy looked up at him. Watching him walk bending her as he slowly wheels her outside.

"Usually he'll eat five people....but he's much bigger now...meaning he's fully growing for a giant" the older man looked down at her with concern in his old tired eyes.

"You still want me to take you home ? Cause I really don't mind if you want me too"

"I'll be okay...I just live up there hill...it will be a peace of cake...but thank you anyways" Clancy looked up at him with a warm smile.

Rolling up the lane way Clancy saw her fiancé standing in the middle with a scowl writing all over his face. "Well look who decided to come home" he said softly walking over scowling down at her.

"Honey it's not my fault....the giants foot steps made me roll down the hill...I almost died cause you didn't come out and help me" Clancy crossed her arms over her chest.

"Help you!? Are you for real Clancy...I put my life on hold for you...and do everything for you cause nobody else will, even if you find a new man...you probably won't but yeah" he said pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Come on go inside I'm starving"

Looking up at him Clancy nodded her head "alright honey...what are you hungry for?" She asked while slowly wheeling past him and making her way up the broken ramp in front of their little home.

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