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Rolling down the sidewalk Clancy stopped dead in her tracks. Looking through the window of her home her heart sank when she saw her fiancé sitting on the couch making out with a strange woman.

Looking down at her engagement wing Clancy closed her eyes tightly "forever huh...I guess it was nothing but lies" the young woman pulled off the band and tossed it into the long grass.

Placing her hands on the wheel the young woman slowly started to wheel herself away as the tears begin to fall. Wiping the tears out of her eyes, the young woman didn't see her fiancé slowly walking up behind her.

"So...you finally found out about Amanda" Hank rubbed the back of his neck with his left hand.

Stopping in her tracks Clancy looked over her should with her red puffy eyes "how...how long have you been seeing her?" Clancy asked. But soon as her question left her mouth the young woman soon retreated it. Scared to find out how long her man was sneaking behind her back....scared to know if he's only using her for a place to rest his head at night.

"Ever since you and I got engage...I love her....and I was hoping you can give me the ring back so..you know I can ask for her hand in marriage" Hank rubbed the back of her neck.

"Well the ring is in the front yard...so you better head back there and get it" Clancy looked away from him. Swallowing the lump in her throat the young woman began to roll herself down the street, not evening looking back once.
Wheeling towards the park Clancy saw the massive man laying down with his hands on his stomach "done what you needed to do?" The young woman asked.

"Yeah got done early...witch is good...ugh how was your visit?" Cliff looked over at her with a puzzled look on his face.

"Ugh....yeah...yeah yeah it was a good visit" Clancy wheeled up to his massive face. Bitting her lip the young woman placed a hand on the tip of his nose "thanks for letting me come back...it means a lot" Clancy gave a weak smile.

"Let's head back to your place.....I'm done here"

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