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Dennis POV (Years Ago)

He has to be somewhere!

It's been a few weeks since my brother Cash and his wife, Kara died, it's been hard on all of us, but you can't possibly imagine what their son, EJ's been going through. It's been a few days since he moved in with us, but he won't talk to anyone, not even Ash, and he talks to her about everything.

After school, he'll just lock himself in his room, I would stand by his door and hear him cry. I'd knock on the door and ask him to let me in, but he never would.

Today, Ashlyn told me that he wouldn't let her in, but she didn't hear anything. I walked up to the door and it was unlocked. I opened it to see that EJ was gone!

Debby, Ash, and I have been calling Ricky, Nini, and all of his friends to see if he went to their house, but it was always been no luck. No one had any idea where he is. He's never done this before. "I can't believe he would run away" Debby cries.

"It's okay, we'll find him," I say, kissing her forehead. There has to be somewhere we haven't looked. Wait, I got it.

"I know where he is."


"I'll go grab him, watch the kids," I say before grabbing my keys and running out. I get in my car and drive to the graveyard. I look around and see my nephew, kneeling next to his parent's grave. I slowly approach him, but he doesn't look at me.

"Ya know, running away's not gonna help," I tell him, but he ignores me. "Kid, I need you to talk me to me. You can talk to me."

"I don't wanna talk" he simply says.

"Okay, I get it, you miss your mom and dad, you wanna show me that you're strong. being mad makes it easier. But the tougher thing to do...would be to let yourself feel. Your father and I weren't good at that growing up, but we met 2 special women who taught us how. Eej, it's okay to be sad, you can be sad, buddy."

I see his eyes starting to water up. "Your parents will understand if you're not strong all the time, I know they will. That's why I'm here."

After a few minutes, I stand up and grab his shoulder. Suddenly, he stands up and gives me a hug, crying into my chest. "It's okay, son, I got you," I tell him, wrapping my arms around him. Cash is gone, and now I have to be a father to his son.

How am I gonna do this?


I sit next to my dad's grave, trying my best not to cry. "Well, I just learned a lot today," I tell my dad. What's up, sport? "Well, I found out apparently, I was born with my powers, but they were too weak. Then during the explosion, my powers were unlocked and I guess. I gave everyone powers. I messed up so many people's lives. When I didn't even mean to."

Hey, kid, that wasn't your fault. It was mine, I gave you this choice, your mom and I were hoping you'd be normal so you could have a normal life, that's all we ever really wanted for you "Really?" Yep, but we always suspected there was a chance you might have powers. You can't blame yourself, you know how many people's lives were lost when I tried to save the world? So many, but I was able to brush it off, and now I need you to do the same.


I turn around and see my Uncle slowly walking toward me. I quickly turn away and look down. He's the last person I wanna see right now. "Kid, let's not repeat history. Tell me what's up."

"You knew," I say. "All my life, I thought I felt like a freak because my parents were superheroes, but it was actually because I had powers, but they just never showed until now. And you've known for so long, but decided to only tell me now."

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