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Power Resisting Spell
A Magical Light Ring
Snake Venom
Strand of EJ's Hair
Blood Lust Chemicals
Lightning in a Bottle
Dark Opal
Dragon Skin
Rose Petals
A tear of Human Sadness
EJ's Blood
Pearl Dust
Hope Potion

Gina and Nini walked towards the left of the underground club, taking a mental note of everything. Restrooms at the end of the hallway, the backdoor exit near the stage, and an odd amount of security upstairs. They were going to go check things out but saw the boys waiting for them at the bar.

EJ and Ricky took the right side of the club and noticed the kitchen near the bar and stairs leading up to who knows where. They walked towards the bottom of the stairs and saw a pair of security guards waiting at the top of it. As they were looking up, they could see someone in the window.

It was the Collectous!

The boys hid behind the stairs, making sure no one saw them. They found out everything they needed. They both make their way to the bar when they saw the girls and waved them over.


The girls walk over and take a seat. "Did you guys find anything?" Gina asks. "We found where the Collectous is. The only problem is getting up the stairs and getting past the guards without causing too much of a scene."

"Good luck!" Mal says over our earpiece. "Thanks, Mal, you're always so helpful" Ricky rolls his eyes.

"Well, until we find a way in, how about we have some fun?" Nini suggest. We all look at her confused. We're all here on a mission. "I know, I know we have a mission, but come on, we're in a club. Who knows the next time we'll be in here? Let's enjoy it."

"You know, I'm kinda with Nini on this one" Gina agrees. I was partly paying attention, but I noticed this guy staring at us. Like, a death glare. What's his deal? Does he know who we are?

"EJ?" Ricky smacks my hands. "Oh, sorry, yes. I'm in. But stay on your toes."

And with that, we all start to let loose. We danced, well, they danced, I just sat down, keeping my eyes out. Of course, I wanna have fun, but I have to be on my guard. Also, I can't dance.

I see the others walking up to me. "We all agreed to have fun, why are you still sitting here?" Nini asks me. "You guys have fun, I'll stay on watch."

"EJ, out of all of us, you definitely deserve to let loose the most."

"I will, but just not on the dance floor."

"Why not?"

"You guys know I can't dance."

"Well, let's teach you" they all hold out their hands. I can't believe how much I love these guys. I hold out my arms and they pull me into the crowded dance floor. I slowly follow their lead and lean into my own way, twisting and turning my body like they are. This was actually pretty fun.

After a while, I hear our favorite song come on (Imagine what you want) "OOH! Come on, you guys!" Gina squeals, guiding us into the center of the dance floor. "5, 6, 7, 8!" We all start to do the dance that went along with the song. Everyone started clapping and cheering us on.

General POV

The guard watches the 4 kids dance in the center of the dance floor. He walks up the stairs and approaches the Collectous. "The Wild Force is here."

"Those kids Spite was talking about. Bring them up. I wanna welcome them...personally." Obeying her demands, the guard leaves her office and informs his allies about the kids. They wait til they are done and then approach him.

HSMTMTS: The Core Four 2Where stories live. Discover now