Poster Easter Eggs

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With all of the waiting, I thought I'd do you guys a solid and explain all of the Easter Eggs in my poster. I'll try my best to go into as much detail as I can. Luckily, I'm in ELA Enrichment so I know a lot about symbolism lol

 Luckily, I'm in ELA Enrichment so I know a lot about symbolism lol

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I'm gonna start with the easiest to explain, Nini. Nini has never really had any major problems and she still won't, I have to go easy on someone so y'all won't come after me. On Nini's part of the cover, it shows a rose, symbolizing the Rose Song. In this story, Nini is going to feel confined as the small superhero or the shy girl, as to how she says in the Rose Song. Like she wants to break out and find a new adventure, take risks, even though she knows she might die. Nini won't have any big problems, I'm just kinda expanding how she feels in season 2, like how she doesn't wanna be confined and breaks out of the "glass." So Nini fans, don't worry about her, she'll be okay, you have my word.

Now Gina. The purple light behind her represents  her walls, ya know "maybe I'll hide behind my walls again instead of tearing them apart." In the story, Gina's gonna have trouble coming out from her walls like in the show. Like, Nini, I'm expanding how she feels in Season 2, except she won't like Ricky, it'll mostly be on how she feels like her powers are too much, as I said that her powers are going to expand further, people who watch the Flash should have a feeling on what I'm talking about (Vibe). Her feelings will also get more intense when Jamie is put in danger. The girls will be okay, but I can't say the same for the boys.

So Ricky's problems were kinda like the main front of my first book and it still is here, only EJ's will come in too. Look closely at Ricky's face, if you can't see, there's a tear there, I tried my best. As I said, Ricky will be going through the 5 stages of grief over losing his mom, and I will point them all out. And if you look closely, you can see his parents and a baby in the frame. The baby represents...well, the upcoming baby, his mom will play an important part in his growth without even being there and his dad, well, since he knows Ricky is Golden Chaos, Mike will kinda be like his "Aunt May." Enough said.

Now for the main part of the story: EJ, his trauma will kinda be the focus in this story. EJ's frame might be the most disturbing to you. If you can't see, EJ has blood on his face, I told y'all Core Four 2 will be a little more brutal than the first one. EJ's powers kinda make this whole story, most of the villains they will be facing other than the main threat are people who have been given powers by EJ unintentionally, ya know, cause in the last book EJ's powers were awakened by the explosion and gave everyone powers. So in this story, we're gonna have a sad, angry, guilty, and furious EJ. And he might be connected to the villain in more ways than one. So long story short, EJ is going all-out to unleash his power one way or another. In this story, I'm gonna try and dive into how his parents being superheroes affected EJ's life. And as you can see from the fame, EJ's gonna get a little messy, especially during the final battle.

That's everything. Who's story are you most excited to see? Mine is definitely EJ. I can't wait to start publishing. Trailer coming soon. Stay safe and have a great day or night, wherever you are

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