132 4 53

Power Resisting Spell
A Magical Light Ring
Snake Venom
Strand of EJ's Hair
Blood Lust Chemicals
Lightning in a Bottle
Dark Opal
Dragon Skin
Rose Petals
A tear of Human Sadness
EJ's Blood
Pearl Dust
Hope Potion

Mal's POV

"How are you and Gina doing?" I ask EJ. We all switched seats. I was in the front with EJ while Ricky and the girls were sleeping in the back. Dragons don't really sleep, and EJ had to drive. "Um, pretty good" he shrugs. "We're not as awkward as we thought it'd be."

I nod my head, watching the open road. It was pitch black outside now, around 1:30 in the morning. We'd be arriving at the hotel in a little bit. I look back, Ricky was in the middle, snoring, and the girls were laying on his shoulders.

About 30 minutes later, we pull into the parking lot of the hotel that was lit up with lights. EJ opens the trunk and gets out. I hop out of the car and wake up the others. We walk around the car, grabbing our overnight bags from the trunk. I quickly grab my bags. I have my own little project, that's why I volunteered to come. I just want to make sure this is 100% positive before I tell them.

We both wake up the others and slowly help them out. "Okay I bought a room and already checked us in, so come on" EJ grabs the bags and we enter. We take the elevator to the third floor.

EJ unlocks the door and we enter. It was your average hotel room. It had a bathroom, desk, and two beds.

"Well, Ricky and I will take this bed.", Nini says, placing her bag on one of the beds. "I get the couch" I throw my bag on the couch. EJ and Gina look at each other uncomfortably. "Um, okay. Thanks, guy" EJ sighs.

I let out a breath, "Well, I'm exhausted still so, goodnight." I walk into the living room and close the door, leaving them to themselves. I pull out y computer and do a little more research. Got it! He's here. In Denver!

Myles Drake.

I'm so close to finding you. Mom's not around anymore, so it's safe.

Gina's POV

My heart seemed to be beating unnecessarily fast right now. My fingers were fidgeting with the sheets under the bed. Is it normal to be sleeping in bed with your ex-boyfriend? I've never done that before. I've never had a boyfriend before.

"Gina, I'm sorry to have to put you through this. I can sleep on the floor if you..."

"No, EJ, it's fine. Just...it's only a couple of days, we can do this" I plop my bags on the bed. EJ follows my lead. We all change into our PJs and get ready for bed. "Goodnight, Eej."

"Goodnight, Gi."

I turn the opposite way and let out a breath. I purse my lips together, feeling a bit uncomfortable sleeping in a bed with my ex-boyfriend. That feeling fades away when I feel his hand linger over my arm. It feels...comforting. I shut my eyes in hopes of drifting to sleep, my mind only on EJ.

Mal's POV (The Next Day)

I sneak into the other's room, an evil smile creeping on my face. Gotta wake up the guys somehow, and I'm a trickster.

I slowly close the door and sneak into the center of the room, this is gonna be good. 3...2...1 "ROAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR!"

I let out a massive dragon roar and they all shoot up out of their sleep, screaming and shouting. "THEY FOUND US!! ATTACK!!!" Ricky shouts, his eyes glowing and racing towards me. "RICKY STOP! IT'S MAL!" EJ speeds out of his bed and hooks his arms around Ricky, holding him back.

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