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Ashlyn's POV

Opening Night was over. I can't believe it. I can't believe I just went on as Belle, and that I got a standing ovation. And about the Transformation, honestly, it looked passable. The only thing that made it better is if Biggie was there.

I finally changed back into my normal clothes and walk back with the others. "Hey! Give it up for our star!" Nini shouts and everyone starts to clap and cheer for me. Aww, I can't cry, I just put on my makeup.

"Oh, you guys! Uh, has anyone seen my boyfriend? It feels like I've been missing him all night."

"I think he pushed himself a little hard" Carlos groans. "But I'm pretty sure he left a  letter at your locker," Ricky tells me.  "Uh, couple letters, actually" EJ adds.

"Oh, okay, wow, that's sweet. Um, maybe I'll read them on the way to Slices, good show everyone" it was a great show, it was. But this was the first time I've been the lead in a play, I was hoping my boyfriend would be there for me.

I walk out of the bombshell and into the halls. But I saw the sweetest thing. "Biggie?" He held something in his hand. A light-up sign with my name. "I've always seen your name in lights."

I was in utter shock. "This is what you've been doing in between scenes?"

"Yeah. No, sometimes I actually was puking. You were the perfect Belle tonight. I was really proud."

Screw my makeup, my eyes were teary. "Come here, you evil genius" I start giggling. He puts down the sign and I give him a tight hug. "Oh, wait, I just got paint..."

"It's okay" I grab his face and pull him in for a deep kiss.

Kourtney's POV

"Hey, Kourtney! C-Congrats."

Howie was waiting for me. Okay, point. "Thank you, Howard."

"You're welcome."

Okay, enough of this. I know who I am and who I want to be. And if Howie won't do that for me, then he's not the one for me. I need to do this. I need to say this. "Um...Okay, can I just say something real quick? If I don't measure up at some point tonight, I'd like to know that now because, after the whole secrets thing, I'm not here for any more secrets or surprises..."

"Kourtney, that's not what this is about," he starts hesitating. Then what is this about? Cause he's not answering. "I'm blown away." Oh, okay, not what I was expecting. "That's, that's what's going on. Uh...I couldn't take my eyes off you tonight. Um...I'm sorry. This is, like...a new feeling for me."

"Are you feeling intimidated?"

"You know, we don't have to use any more rolls."

"No, I actually think I'd like to hear you say this. Do you need a drumroll?" I bang my pretend drums. He's nervous, I like it. "Uh...You make me nervous...in a good way. A-A-an-and that's a good thing a-a-and I just want that good thing to...to keep going. And I didn't really know how to say it. Happy now?"

"Yes!" My mom answers for me. Oh, my god! "Um...you in the mood for Pizza?"

"If it's with you, always." He hooks his arm around mine. "Wait, wait!" Mom runs up to us and hands me flowers. "Here, I'm not even here right now."

"Oh, my god!"


I walk down the halls, texting Uncle D. I wanted him to try and track down Zach. One way or another, this is ending tonight. My powers can feel it. I can feel it. And I gotta tell the guys I want them to come with me. Jamie was right. They were my family. They were my team. I have to do this with them.

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