111 1 18

Power Resisting Spell
A Magical Light Ring
Snake Venom
Strand of EJ's Hair
Blood Lust Chemicals
Lightning in a Bottle
Dark Opal
Dragon Skin
Rose Petals
A tear of Human Sadness
EJ's Blood
Pearl Dust
Hope Potion

Nini's POV

The group and I were on my computer, talking to Kourtney. "I've got tea."


"Okay, the little weasels over at North High are about to drop a shady video of us. Today, on Insta." What, that sounds so ridiculous. "What? Like a diss video?"

"Uh-huh. Slamming East High."

"That's insane!" Ricky shouts.

"I can't believe they'd stoop so low" Gian scoffs, crossing her arms.

"What does the video say?" EJ asks.

"All I know is Carlos should've posted about 50% fewer 4-star resort selfies. They're calling us lazy and saying that we've basically given up on the competition! Can you believe it?"

"That's crazy!" Mal exclaims. "Because we're on Spring Break? That's crazy!"

"Crazier than a dance-off?"

"What are we gonna do?" I wonder aloud, but then something me stop. Kourtney doesn't go to East High. The only way she would know that is if..."Wait! Kourtney, how do you know this? Are you and Howie talking again?

"Uh, he's talking to me! I have not yet decided if I'm talking back to him."

"Hey, hold up, this is..."

"Oh! I'm so sorry!" She starts to make static noise with her mouth. "Oh my gosh, we're break...cu-cu. I'm frozen. See I gotta go. I...gotta get back to work. Bye! I love y'all so m...uch. Bye!"

They hang up. I can't believe her. "Your friend seems interesting" Myles laughs.

"Well, you know what can shift your minds, traveling to The Painted Cave of Santa Cruz Island so EJ can find the Pearl Dust" Ricky fake smiles. "You know what? He's right" EJ says. "Let's get this over with. Gina?" 

G nods her head and throws a portal in the air. We all walk through and we land on one of the many rocks of the Island, surrounded by water. "You sure this is the right island?" I ask her, I just needed to make sure this was the right place. I don't wanna take any chances.

"When have I ever been wrong?"

"Well, there was that time when..."

"Never! Exactly!"

"You sure you won't need backup?" Nini asks. "No, I got this." I look over into the deep blue sea. Wish there was a mermaid that could help us out. "Okay, I won't get able to talk to you guys underwater so...wish me luck."

"You got this, Eej" Gina tells me.

I take off my tank top and shoes, leaving me in nothing but my jeans. Out of all places, I thought "Don't drown" Ricky tells me.

"Thanks, Rick" I roll my eyes. I take a deep breath and leap, throwing myself up into the air and plummeting all the way down into the sea, so deep that a wave of bubbles washes up all around me. I open my eyes and look around. I really did it. No water entered my throat. I can breathe underwater! Awesome!

I keep my head up, looking for a way through. Just to my luck, there was an underwater passage that goes under the rock wall. I swim under the island and towards the passage. The sea was honestly beautiful. Like exploring a new world. No Pearl Dust yet, but I guess I gotta keep looking.

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