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Nini's POV

I sit by the corner table at Slices, thinking of what to write. Every time I think of something, it's trash. I think this whole "small superhero" thing is getting to me. I can't even write a song now. "Uh, Nini" Big Red calls. "Legally, if you're gonna sit at the best booth and not order something, I'm required to ask you to leave."

"Everything I write is mush! I'm trying to write about how the Beast sees the Rose as this symbol of love slipping away, but nothing's working.

"Is a pizza place really the best place to write a song?"

"I was at home, but then I read some articles on Writer's Block, and one of them was like 'change your environment.' So I came here. But then I just read another that was like 'eliminate distractions' so apparently the internet is just one giant contradiction."

"The internet only gave us 2 stars so I totally get it."

"I'm telling you, the Robinsons live on Meadow Wood Drive" I hear Howie tell Kourtney.

"For the last time, it's Meadow Wood Road and I bet you my overtime."

"Kourt, the Robinsons order Pizza like 3 times a week, I think I know whether it's drive or road."

"Howard, look it up and tell me I'm not right."

He takes out his phone and looks it up. I watch as the 2 cuties argue playfully. I wish I had a little relationship like that. I mean, true, I joke around with Jack a lot, but he's just my friend, even if he makes me blush.

"It's actually Meadow Wood Avenue."


"What is 'Ha!' we're both wrong?"


This morning, I grabbed my favorite blue jacket to try and hide my black veins. Gina's the only one who knows about this, so I guess I've been clinging next to her. I didn't mean to snap at Ricky like that, I just didn't wanna talk about it right now. I need to find a cure fast.

"EJ?" Miss Jenn calls. "Are you here?" I've never felt like I was losing my confidence before, so I try to follow Gina's advice and fake confidence, but I don't think it's working. While Miss Jenn was talking, I pull my sleeve. The Blood Lust was riding up my arm, so I'm definitely wearing long sleeves until I can fix this.

I've been trying to control my anger, but every time, I end up losing control, so I try my best not to think of anything that would make me angry, and right now, that's a lot of stuff.

I pop out of my head when I heard complete silence. Were they all looking at me again? I look up and see they weren't looking at me. They were looking at Seb, who was hula-hooping. Were we supposed to be doing that? I really should've been paying attention.

"Focus," the teacher says. "Strong start. Here we go, my young thespians."

After a while of doing weird activities, we were playing with Pool Noodles. Ricky keeps hitting me on the head with his but only because I let him. I look at Gina who was giggling at us. I could tell Ricky was upset with me, but I'm just not ready to talk yet.

"Okay, now everyone drop your noodles and pair up for a mirroring exercise."

I drop my pool noodle and approach Gina with a grin. "May I have the exercise?" Gina looks at me with a smile. "Yeah, I got you."

Ricky's POV

I look around for a partner. Nini and Big Red were at the Pizza Place, and EJ and Gina were together. I look around and see Walker standing there, looking for a partner. "Hey, Artist, do you wanna...?" 

'"Partners?" He asks with a smile. "Partners" I repeat. I found out he likes it when I repeat him so I've been doing it a few times to make him grin.

"So," Miss Jenn says. "What is acting, really? Acting...is reacting!" She throws the ball at Carlos and it hits his head. I try my hardest not to laugh, so I just focus on my phone, texting Nini.

"In character, Lumière."


"Ricky" I look up and see her staring at me. "Could you please put down your phone and join the family?" Family. Not really the word I'd use when my family is basically splitting up...again. She tosses me the ball and I drop my phone to grab the ball and throw it back

Nini's POV

As I was trying to write a song, Kourtney takes a seat next to me. "Hey, you."

"Kourt, I  thought you were on the clock."

"Yeah, I just wanted to ask how you're going. Ya know, you told me about the  whole...you feeling small about being a superhero."

"It's okay, I actually had a pretty good talk with Jack. He said I should only care about how I see myself."

"Ooh, girl" Kourtney laughs. I look at her confused. "What?"

"Neens, you're in love with Jack."

"What? You're crazy."

"That's not a no."

"It's not a yes either. Kourt, I'm already struggling to write a song and..." okay, I guess maybe I do have a little crush on him, but I won't tell anyone. "You think he likes me back?"

"So you do like him!" He squeals.

"Not too loud" I giggle. "I mean, I can talk to him about anything and he'll give some pretty good advice. But what if he's not into me like that?"

"You told me he helped you get a few clothes for free. That's a sign."

"Maybe, but...I don't know. What do you think he thinks of me?"

"Don't care, Nini! You see how I don't care how Howie thinks of me, but he still really likes me. He knows I don't care, yet he's still hanging with me. I'm positive Jack is the same way, and Gina says so too. But whatever. So how's the song going?"

"Oh, it's fine" I hear my phone chime. I look up and it's Ricky again. "Just a few distractions."

"Oh, this is like 10 texts in a row from Ricky."

"I know. I sent him a selfie of me eating Pizza. And he was like, why are you eating Pesto and now Hawaiian? And I texted him back that I only eat Hawaiian cause he likes it and now he thinks that I'm...changing. Which is to say, the song's going great." 

"You don't have anything written down."

"I don't...but maybe I might after a little talk with Jack. Maybe even some inspiration with you and Howie, 2 polar opposites."

"Um, the fate of our musical should not be dependant on my relationship...or you thinking of some stupid guy."

"Jack is not stupid!"

"Whatever girl, good luck," She tells me before walking away. I take out my phone and facetime Jack.

Yes, unlike Ricky, Nini is discovering her feelings for Jack a bit sooner, cause Nini's always been smarter lol. Ricky fans, don't come for me, but you know I'm right. So expect big Jini scenes in this episode. And yes, there's gonna be more suffering EJ more and more on, I'm so sorry, but trust me, I hate this more than you guys. The next chapter, we're gonna see another RJ fight, along with some conflict between Gina and Ashlyn, of course, seeing as that's what was in the episode. Wow, this is kind of the point where the team starts to fall apart lol. You know the saying, "An empire toppled by its enemies can rise again. But one which crumbles from within? That's dead. Forever."  Will the team be able to come back when EJ starts to crumble down? We'll have to wait and see. Stay safe and have a great day or night, wherever you are.

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