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I was showering Gina with gifts all day. I was just so excited. I got her flowers, a pair of purple earrings, a box of cookies, a box full of pictures of us, and a small writing journal, she loves writing.

I invited her over to my house for a special night, my idea was a dance, a few rom-coms, and a few more surprises up my sleeves. I was decorating my living room with hearts,and  a few flowers, and I was about to pull out some roses.

"Um, EJ?" Ashlyn walks in looking around the place. "Um...this is a lot!"

"Yeah, do you think Gina's gonna like it?" I would go to hell and back for her, she knows I'll go all out for her and smile through it all.

"Actually, Eej. That's kinda what I wanted to talk to you about."

"Yeah, can you kinda hurry? Gina's gonna be here in a while" I set up a few more strings around the house. "EJ" Ashlyn grabs my arm and I look down. She leads me to the couch. "I talked to Gina today. She's happy you're doing this all for her but..."

"But what? Ash, what's up?"

"She thinks you went a bit overboard."


"Don't' get me wrong, she's happy you care so much about this, but you've been burying her with gifts all day. She just wanted to spend the day with her boyfriend. I've been kinda having the same situation with Biggie. You know you're her first boyfriend and it's sweet you're doing all this for her, but... it's not the gifts she wanted."

"It's just me." I feel so stupid. I was so busy wanting to make this a Valentine's day that she would remember, that I never even asked what she really wanted. My head drops as I run my hands through his hair. "I'm so stupid. I just wanted to show her how much I care about her. I guess I never noticed how it could affect her. I need to make it up to him."

"Don't worry, Eej, I know you'll make it up."

"Can you help me?"

"I would love to, but I promised Big Red I'd meet him at Slices, but I believe in you. You got this Eej."

I can always depend on Ash to help me up and support me. "You know, you may still be learning how to be a physical hero, but you've saved me a lot of time growing up."

"It's what brothers and sisters do" Ash nudges me before walking out. I superspeed around and take out all of the flowers and hearts around the house. Time for a new plan

Gina's POV

I get ready to meet EJ at his house. As I was doing my hair, I just look at a picture of the 2 of us, cuddling asleep on his bed. I was in his arms and his chin rested on my forehead.

Honestly, I just wanted the day to be over with. I don't need all of this to make me feel special. I know my boyfriend meant well, but it was all too much. Honestly, I felt like everyone was doing all of this to make me feel like I belong, but I still don't think so, I'm still the new girl. I still had to give EJ his gift, so I'm gonna give it to him.

In a heartbeat, my gift shows up in my hand with a puff of purple smoke. Guess that's a new power. I'll tell EJ's uncle later.

I create a portal and travel to his house. Honestly, I was expecting the driveway to be painted red, maybe our names or the door wrapped in some Valentine's Day paper, but instead, I just saw the normal-looking house.

I knock on the door. When the door opens, I expected to see roses, hearts, and flowers all over, but it was just EJ with a rose. "Rose for my Babette?" He holds it out and I take it. "Of course, Gaston."

"I'm really glad you made it, Gigi. Come on in."

I walk into his house and fine chocolates. "You got me chocolates?"

"No, those are from Jamie and your mom to you."

He invited me to the couch and we sat down to watch old rom-coms. While watching Enchanted, I kept lookover, biting my lips, waiting for another Caswell grand gesture. EJ looks at me with a grin for about 3 seconds before asking "You expecting something?"

"I'm waiting to see what you did."

"Nothing," he says, making me surprised.

"Look, I'm sorry for today. Ash had to remind me that not everyone loves big grand gestures or that gifts were the only way to a person's heart. I'm sorry if all of that embarrassed you today, I didn't mean it to. It's just... I wanted to make this valentine's day something you won't forget."

"Is that all?" I know EJ, I've known him long enough to figure out when he's lying. He looks down for a few seconds. "I haven't really celebrated Valentine's day since my parents died. I would always plan something for my mom, and she would always go above and beyond for me, so I thought I would do the same." I rub his back and he looks up at me.

"Hey, hey, don't apologize. I loved all the gifts, it is just going to take some time to get used to. I'm still not used to staying in one place for more than a few months, let alone having a boyfriend."

"I really like you, G."

"I really like you too." I lean closer and kiss his lips. "But, I got something for you."

My boyfriend smiles widely. I out a dog tag and place it around EJ's neck. "G, this must've cost a lot."

"Read what it says."

He looks down and reads it aloud. "To a really great guy. G, I love it" he leans closer and gives me a kiss. I take the rose in my hand and tuck it behind his ear. "Very funny. You're lucky I ran out of gifts for you."

"Did you really?"

"Nah, I got you one more." 

"Oh, what did you do?"

EJ stands up and walks away. I look around the room, just waiting for the grand gesture he was about to give me. A giant teddy pair? A whole new dress? A whole new suit? Definitely something big, but different.

He walks out of his room and shows a collage. It had pictures of us in the shape of a heart. I remember most of these pictures, our first date, surprising EJ with a hug on the first day back to school, our first Christmas together, and more.

"EJ...how long did this take you?"

"Just a few days, Kourtney and Nini helped. It was definitely worth it to see your reaction."

I stand up and cover my mouth, it was so beautiful, the outlines were red and purple, I loved it. "Eli" I wrap my hands around his neck and pull him closer. "Please don't call me Eli."

"Not gonna happen" I pull away and give him a kiss. As we sit back down, he leans his head on my shoulder, making me turn red and all giddy inside.

Best Valentine's Day ever.

You could not think that I was gonna finish this Valentine's Day without a personal Portwell chapter! This was the ship that started it all lol, I love them so much. I swear, Portwell better be endgame in Season 3, I need that, they are the best, they were partner-in-crime to platonic friends to real friends to fake-dating to real dating. If that's not real chemistry, I don't know what is. They've literally been a ship since Season 1, if they break up just so Gina can go to Ricky, I will be so upset that Richard stole another one of EJ's girlfriends, I'm not getting into that, not today, maybe some other time.  just really love Portwell, I'm trying my best not to become one of those toxic fans who take the fun out of shipping. Stay safe and have a great day or night, wherever you are.

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