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Jack's POV

I was hanging in the halls. The other had partners but I'm pretty much a lone wolf. So I was in the halls with my blue headphones on, listening to music, which is pretty much what I do when I have detention.

My music was interrupted when I was being facetimed. I pick it up and see her pretty face. "Hey, look! It's the Lightning Dork!"

"What's with the headphones?"

"I'm in the halls listening to music."

"How did you get detention, Miss Jenn's the only teacher there" she giggles. I guess I kind of like that little giggle of hers, it's cute. She's cute. Like, beyond cute. "So how's the song going?"

"Um...going great."

"You got nothing, huh?" For a superhero, she's pretty bad at lying. But then again, I know when people lie, cause I'm a pretty good liar as well. "Not a single line. This Writer's Block is serious. I think my insecurities are getting back to me."

Oh, Nini, I wish she believed in herself the way I...everyone sees her. "Nini, you're awesome. You got this, and here's a bit of advice. When you wonder what other people think of you: care less. That's the trick to life."

"Outgtha try that soon."

"Alright, get back to work. I should get back before they know I'm gone."

"Okay, have fun!" Nini gives me one of her cute little waves and hangs up the phone. She's so funny and cute. I guess I should head back with them, I'll just melt into the background.

Ashlyn's POV

"Okay, Ashlyn will start us off and Gina, agree with what Ashlyn says and then add on" Miss Jenn explains. "It's 'Yes, And' people! Remember, improv works best when you are all in. If you've got one foot out the door, it does not work. and the audience will smell your fear. Fun! Let's get a suggestion from the group on location."

"The Lourve?" EJ suggests.

"The what?" Jack asks.

"Tell you later," Miss Jenn says. "But sure, EJ, the Lourve, okay. Go ahead. You ready? Okay."

I need to ace this. No, I'm not on edge. But if I were on edge, it'd probably be because North High's latest Instagram post is literally playing over and over in my head. It's not like anyone would say it's my fault if we lose to North at the Menkies, but, like, it would be.

I'm literally half the title of Beauty and the Beast. I mean, I guess it would also be Ricky's fault, but Belle is basically the main character. I have to bring my best!

But no, not on edge.

Gina's POV

"Now, Madame Rousseau," Ash says in a thick french accent. "I understand you're here to look into purchasing some art."

"From the Lourve?" I'm not really at my best today.

"Well, if it's one as rich as you are, Madame, one can purchase nearly any piece of art. Take this piece. do you like it?"

"Yeah, I'm not sure." I haven't been sure about a lot of things, lately. "Well, what is your heart telling you?" She asks. I glance over at my boyfriend...suffering from some dark infection. And I'm thinking of leaving. Should I leave when I don't belong in my group? Or stay and try to help? I feel so conflicted. "I really don't know."

"Yes, And?"Miss Jenn asks

"Yes, and maybe you should take a break" Ashlyn walks away. I didn't mean to ruin her special moment. "I'm sorry."

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