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Gina's POV

I walk into the dressing room and run into Ashlyn. "I should give you some space, shouldn't I?"

"Suit yourself."

I was about to walk out, but I need to tell her. Even if she's upset, she deserves to know I'm leaving. "Look, I didn't know the right time to tell you this...I didn't know the right time to tell anyone, but my mom got a job in Lousiana and I've never lived in Lousiana before, so I think I'm gonna join her.

"You're leaving?"

"It's not what you think..."

"Hold on!" She stands up and walks over to me. "Look, um, I know I can be a little moody sometimes. When I saw that video of North High and Lily, who's a close friend...I get snappy when I feel threatened, I can't help it, I'm still a Caswell."

I can't help but grin. I know how Caswells get when they feel threatened. I'm dating EJ, he gets snappy when I beat him at a sport. "Ashlyn, you know the expression, find where you belong?"

"I've heard it before."

"I've been trying...and I don't think that place is here. Yes, I'm dating EJ and I'm living with Nini, but everyone else has so much history here and I'm just the new girl."

"Well, have you talked to EJ or Nini about it?"

I shake my head. "I mean, they've been so happy now that I'm here. What's there to talk about?"

"What about the Brotherhood? With the Blood Lust, EJ's gonna need you more than ever."

"He has you, he has Ricky and everyone else. It's just been really hard and Louisiana sounds like a nice break."

"Gina! Ashlyn!" Carlos calls.

"Wait, Gina please!" Ashlyn begs. "Isn't there some magical thing I could do to make you consider staying?"

"Ash, even your magic can't spell my way out of this" I walk away and Carlos walks in. "Feather, Princess are you guys ready to do some improvisations?"


Nini's POV

Ricky's been calling me 3 times in a row. I've been trying to focus on my song, which is nothing, but he's gonna keep calling. I should pick it up now. "Hi."

"Finally, I got you."

"How are you?"

"Been better. When do I get to hear this new song?"

Um, as, uh, as soon as I start writing it."

"I thought songs just poured out of you, what's the problem?"

"I didn't say there was a problem, I'm just a little low on inspiration today."

"Okay, roses are red, violets are blue, uh, my rose is the prettiest, wow, what a view. There you go, just gave you some free lyrics."

Something's wrong. He's never like this. Maybe it's his whole problem with EJ? Or the baby? It's something. "Okay, what is up with you today?"

"Oh, I just thought, uh...the quicker you finish the song, the quicker we can hang out again today. I mean, you're kind of the only friend I can hang with right now."

"What about Gina? EJ?"

"Gina's busy and EJ's...he's EJ."

What does that mean? "Then, uh...I'd better get back to work."

"Um...thanks, thank you."

"You're welcome?" He hangs up and I think to myself. Maybe Jack is right, maybe I have been changing myself for how everyone sees me. I'm rushing myself for Ricky. Something's definitely wrong with him.

I should get back to working on the song. "And every day, the sun rises in the east. And every day I am a Beast. Oh, god, no. I am a Beast, you are a Rose? Can I make it any more obvious? Okay, that is just Sk8er Boy.

I look up and see Kourtney and Howie walking in laughing. "I think you're like a Ravenclaw with a Hufflepuff moon?"

"Wow, Hufflepuff, you really gonna do me like that?" She walks toward me and Howie starts chuckling. "Hey, you, how's the song and confessing-your-undying-love-to-Jack-thing going?"

"I mean, we talked today, he gave me some advice about confidence and the song...is going? But I have all the time in the world to talk to Jack about doing...some things."

"Like making out?"

"No! Well...also yes" we both grab hands and squeal, laughing. "I just need to figure out and find the courage of what to say."

"You go this, girl."

Ashlyn's POV

"It seems we have a missing Beast and Gaston. Anyone seen them?"

I could barely focus. Gina's leaving? Gina's like my sister, I don't want her to leave. And what about Nini and EJ? How will they take it? I can't let her leave. I need to think of something. If Gina left, EJ would be heartbroken and he would really give into the Blood Lust.

"Belle!" Miss Jenn calls. "You wanna come up here and give the 5 questions?"

I look back at Gina who's on her phone. That's it! I have a plan. I walk up to Miss Jenn and ask "Could I ask for permission to explore my character by singing a song from our show instead?"

"Of course" she grins before walking away. I can do this. I'm Belle.

Is this home?
Is this where I should learn to be happy?
Never dreamed
That a home could be dark and cold
I was told
Every day in my childhood
Even when we grow old
"Home will be where the heart is"
Never were words so true
My heart's far, far away
Home is too

Is this homе?
Is this what I must learn to believе in?
Try to find something good
In this tragic place
Just in case
I should stay here forever
Held in this empty space
Oh, but that won't be easy
I know the reason why
My heart's far, far away
Home's a lie

What I'd give
To return
To the life that I knew lately
But I know
That I can't
Solve my problems going back

Is this home?
Am I here for a day or forever?
Shut away
From the world until who knows when
Oh, but then
As my life has been altered once
It can change again
Build higher walls around me
Change every lock and key
Nothing lasts
Nothing holds all of me

My heart's far, far away
Home and free

I walk over to Gina who was trying not to cry. She was struggling to speak, so I just pull her in for a hug. "Okay," she shudders. She's staying? She's staying, yes!

I think we can all agree that one thing we can all rely on is Ashlyn singing these AMAZING solos every season! I can't wait to hear the Caswell Cousins solos this episode after school! I'm so ready for this new episode, even though I'm not a Rina, I am excited to see Ricky and Gina interacting again, I miss them as besties, and I'm still hoping it stays that way. I'm also so excited to see more of Ricky and Jet! I can't wait!!!!! The next episode will be all about Caswen. Well, mostly about Caswen, I can't wait for you guys to see it. Stay safe and have a great day or night, wherever you are.

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