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Nini's POV

The battle was a lot right now. I was surrounded. I shake my hand and throw my arms out, creating a surge of electricity. I use my electrokinesis to grab one and throw him into another before grabbing them both and throwing them into a building.

A group of baddies starts racing towards me. I plant my hands on my hips with a smile, waiting for them to get closer. Oh, this is gonna be so fun.

The minute there in the correct range, I thrust my arms in front of me, a wave of electricity frying all of them unconscious. I see another group racing towards me. I throw bolts of electricity, throwing them off guard, but they were still on their feet.

This is gonna be a lot of property damage. I create an electric whip to break off a piece of the road. I lift it up and twist it around, throwing it at them, and tossing them all back.

Where are all these people coming from? I throw a beam of electricity, trying my best to hold them off. This wasn't gonna hold for long.

I look up at the dark sky. Time for a little storm. I pull one hand away and raise it high into the air. I summon a giant strike of lightning from the clouds. I throw my arm down and lighting strikes right in front of them, knocking them off like legos.

Just my luck, cold mist starts running at my feet. I knew exactly who that was. A shard of ice races towards me. I throw my own bolt of electricity, melting it as it was inches away from my chest.

Emily approaches me slowly, her fingers covered in frost. We start to circle around each other. "You gonna hold back? As always." I throw my hair back and stop walking. I look down at my fingers, electricity sparking.

As the lights in the entire city start flickering, I hold up my hand, sparks flying. "I'm done holding back."

Gina's POV

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Gina's POV

I stomp on the ground, creating a vibrational shockwave. I look at all the bodies that fell to the ground. I didn't have a grudge against anybody in the Brotherhood so I'm just fighting everyone, not that I don't mind.

I create a platform and run above a mob of brotherhood members, flying high into the air and forcing myself down, stomping on the platforms, and breaking it over their heads. Another unconscious group.

"G! Behind you!" Ashlyn shouts. I turn around and see a group shoot multiple bullets of energy at me. I enable my intangibility. Eye eyes and body glow purple and I phase through each blast.

I clap my glowing hands together and throw out a giant vibrational blast that throws them all into a building. 

I see another person glaring right at me. She holds her hands together and raises them up in the air, creating some sort of fire animal. Oh, this is gonna be hard. Ashlyn joins my side, her hands glowing. "You ready, sis?"

"Let's do this!"

Ricky's POV

I throw myself at Andrew and kick him in the chest, knocking him off his feet. He slowly stands up and smiles at me. "I say we've had an interesting semester. So, who are you gonna live with after this all is over? Ya know, with both your parents being gone."

"I think the better question is what is your dad gonna do when I get some payback?"

"You know how long I've had these powers? More than a year and a half. Besides, you're alone...as usual."

"He's not alone" Aly shows up behind him, giving me a nod. I nod back we both circle around Zach, balls of energy glowing in our hands.

"ARGH!" He charges at me first, but I telekinetically throw him up in the air. Ally leaps into the air and hits him with a beam of energy, forcing him under the streets.

I bring him back up and kick him in the face before throwing another bolt at him. He quickly lands on his feet and rows his hands around, releasing a beam of energy that knocks me down. "Ricky, toss me!" Ally says.

As she runs forward, I lift her off the ground and throw her forward. She avoids every blast of Dark Matter and lands a punch. Ooh, this payback's gonna be fun.


I trusted my friends to handle the Brotherhood, I wanted Zach. I speed-leap over his lackeys and land in front of him. I race in front of him and try to punch him, but he dodges, trying to punch my stomach.

I grab his fist and use my other hand to punch his face, throwing him back. I elbow his stomach and his face. He makes a sword and tries to strike, but I hold it back with my hands. He pulls away and strikes again, ripping off my mask.

He elbows my ribs and kicks my stomach. He tries to punch me, but I dodge. I grab the back of his collar and throw him over my shoulder. I was ready to stomp his face in, but he kicks my stomach.

This is gonna be hard, but I need to keep trying

Walker's POV

I jump up out of my sleep when I felt the team getting hurt. They needed help. They needed my help. I know I promised Ricky, but I have to try.

I pull off my blanket and try to stand. There was no more pain. It only stung a little, but I can walk with it. I try to run and it worked. I can do this.

I grab my watch and sneak out. Do I feel bad about leaving without Mr. Dennis knowing? Yes, but I have to be there for my friends.

Such empowering moments for the whole team! And y'all should've known Walker wasn't gonna just stay out of the battle, he also not gonna die, remember, Wicky is happening, I can't kill the W in Wicky. And my birthday is actually today, I have plans for the entire weekend, so if I don't post until Tuesday, that's why, that's how long my Fall Break, just letting you guys know now.

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