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Ricky's POV

I stuff Franklin into my bag. It might be a little embarrassing that I'm bringing my stuffed animal, but he was my emotional support system. At the end of the day, he keeps me stable. Mal doesn't know about it so I hope he doesn't judge me.

Okay, I'm done packing. My dad, Nini, and Ashlyn's parents are allowing them to go on this trip so we're planning on leaving tonight to jump-start on who knows how long a drive.

I pick up the note with every ingredient Lily needs. She crossed out the ones she already got. Alright, only gotta get 9 more, 2 we can already get from EJ, and 1 from Nini. This should be interesting, I just gotta make one more trip. 

Power Resisting Spell
A Magical Light Ring
Snake Venom

Strand of EJ's Hair
Blood Lust Chemicals
Lightning in a Bottle
Dark Opal
Dragon Skin
Rose Petals
A tear of Human Sadness
EJ's Blood
Pearl Dust
Hope Potion

I was nervous about this trip, but I had to. I need to know where to find a few ingredients, and if anyone knows, it's her. And if this goes south, maybe we can get a tear of human sadness.

My dad walks in with a knock on the door. "Hey, bud. You almost packed?"

"Yeah. The others should be on their way."

"You know, you don't have to do this. We could just burn all her stuff, I'll help you.
 I just chuckle. "No, it's fine. I have to do this. For EJ, for the team, and maybe a little for myself."

I hear the car honk from outside. "That's them." I get up and walk over. I was about to grab the doorknob, but I need to talk to my dad. "Dad, can we talk please?"

"Sure, what's up?"

"Um, I took a quiz last week. And I hope you'll still think of me the same when this is over. I'm...bisexual." My dad looks at me shocked. "Please don't hurt me, or kick me out of the house. I'm so sorry I..."

I was cut off when my dad pulled me in for a hug. My face was buried into his chest. "Richard Bowen. Never apologize for being who you are. I don't care if you're straight, gay, or bi. You're still my little boy and I'll always love you."

Tears stain my eyes as I wrap my arms around him. "I was afraid you wouldn't accept me." 

"I will always accept you." I should've known better. My dad's not my mom. He'll always love me, and I'll always love him.

"I should get going."

"Wait, what else did you wanna talk about?" He asks as I grab my stuff. "Oh, um, when we get back. I think I'll be ready to talk about the baby."

My dad basically lights up. "Really?"

"Yeah. I've been putting a lot of stuff to the side, but now I think I'm finally ready to face it all."

"That's my boy."

"I'll see you in a week" I walk out with a smile. I make it ou tand see EJ honking his horn. "Let's go! Time for a 'speedy' trip!'"

"Is he okay?" Mal asks.

"Every time we go on a field trip, he makes these corny dad jokes" I roll my eyes. "Oh, come on, Ricky. Ain't no road trip like an EJ road trip cause an EJ road trip don't stop, haha!"

"Please stop" Nini begs.

"Okay, Eej, open the trunk."

"Okay, just for a final headcount, we have everyone who's coming, right?" As Nini was about to answer his question, a portal opens in the air and Gina jumps through. I hold up my hand in defense. "Oh, hey G."

"What are you doing here?" Nini asks

"Well, I looked into the future. My plane wasn't leaving anytime soon. Room for 1 more?"

"Um, sure" EJ shrugs.

"I'll, uh, I'll sit in the front with Nini" she shrugs. Cool, I can sit in the back with the guys. "Remind why EJ isn't driving?"

"Ash and Nini painted my nails as some project" EJ rolls his eyes. "Show them!" Nini says. EJ holds up his red and purple painted nails. "Ha!" I yelp but quickly correct myself. "Sorry."

"Ej, is that purple?" Gina asks, looking at each purple nail. "Uh, yeah. I guess I've always had a liking to purple."

Yes, probably because his ex-girlfriend's superpowers are purple. But I won't say anything. They just look at each other. "Okay, ex-birds, let's hit the road!" Mal says.

"Play the soundtrack, G" Nini hands Gina her phone. As the car started, the music was on full blast, and we were all singing along. 

I wanna break every rule and cross every line

I wanna show all the stars how stars oughta shine

I wanna do as I please and knock the world to its knees

And go wherever the breeze is blowing

Next stop, anywhere
Gotta a whole wide world to see
Nothing's stopping me
Next stop, anywhere
'Cause there's so much waiting
I know it's waiting
I feel it waiting out there

We're gonna toss out the maps and follow the sun

We're gonna place our own path and go on the run

We're gonna get out and do what nobody's done

There's so much out there to do, we've barely begun

We're gonna take every dare

And feel the wind in our hair
With no one telling us where we're going

Next stop, anywhere
If you're there I'm gonna be, where I'd wanna be
Next stop, anywhere
And the world is calling
It is keeps on calling
Just think of all that we'll share

Next stop, anywhere
Gotta feeling things'll be happening suddenly

Next stop, anywhere
Gonna chase my destiny, find my best in me

Next stop, anywhere
'Cause it's time we went to be where we're meant to be

Next stop, anywhere

And the world is waiting
I feel it waiting
It's all just waiting out there

I feel like they would do an entire hour of field trip sing-alongs, and you can't tell me I'm wrong cause that's literally what they did for the first episode. and Ricky came out to his dad! The second person who knows! Who's gonna be the third? Sure y'all have a lot of guesses, can't wait to hear them. And did you guys really think I was gonna leave out Gina? NO WAY! Of course, the Core Fore is gonna on a trip, well, Core Five, can't forget about Mal, of course. Can't wait for y'all to see the next chapter. Stay safe and have a great day or night, wherever you are.

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