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Nini's POV

I was looking at my live performance again. Wow! 385m views. There are so many comments "Your music is amazing!"

Could you do more music about heartbreak?

Music about finding love

Wow! Everyone's telling me to do certain kinds of music. I guess I should...that is what they want. And if that's what they want, I guess I should change the plan. After all, I do want people to like my music, yeah...that's what I want.

"Okay, everyone! Gather 'round" Miss Jenn says. I just stay in the back. I'm not in the show, so I just sit back and watch. "We have got a 2-hour window before the storm is expected to hit, and I intend to use every minute of it. Big, splashy group numbers always succeed in the Menkie Awards. So, we need to workshop a punchy, breathtaking number that will put us in the number one spot."

"As our head choreographer, I am happy to announce that we will, at least, begin rehearsing one of the most showstopping, iconic, and bar-raising numbers of the entire show."

"Be Our Guest" Gina takes a step forward. "Yeah, it's Be Our Guest, guys. What?" Oh, no. I know that Gina doesn't really wanna be a "co" anything, but I also know both of them, and while their friendship is great, a rivalry would be terrible. They're so great together, but I know how controlling Gi can be.

"Before we begin" great, at least I know Miss Jenn can feel the tension too. "I'm going to tell you a little story about hospitality. Once when I was a little girl, my mom and I heard a clatter from the kitchen. We thought it was a burglar. So my mom ran over, hog-tied the man, and promptly called the police. As we waited for the cops to come, I watched my mom place a cup of hot tea next to the man's face. 'Because' she said, 'until the police arrive and get him, he's still our guest.'"

"He wasn't really a burglar, was he?" Jack crosses his arms, making me giggle quietly. He turns back at me and I look down, making him grin.

"No, turns out he wasn't a burglar at all, just a repairman who entered the wrong unit. But the point remains the same. just like our intruder, we need to make Belle and our entire audience feel welcomed. And with that, Carlos and Gina, take it away."

Ashlyn starts clapping for a few seconds before stopping. It was still sweet anyway. "Thank you, Miss Jenn" Gina walks forward. "That wasn't terrifying at all."

Ricky lets a small laugh slip out. "Okay, so" I was holding Gina's dusters. She walks to me and I give them to her. "Good luck, sis!" I give her a thumbs up. "My vision to make this dace really soar is to stage...wait for it, a Cancan-style dance that the features a feather-dusting spectacle. I don't know, it'd probably go a little something like..."

Gina starts kicking her legs in the air. Wow! "Absolutely!" Ashlyn clears out. "Go, Gina!" I cheer.

"Interesting, I had a different path" Carlos takes a step forward. "That's a little more elevated and less basic." Okay, that was unnecessary, also rude. "Think. A noir-inspired performance that Lumiere guides our audience through the entire time."

"M'kay. But I actually spent a month in France once, so I kinda know that inside out."

"And I choreographed all 3 of my sister's Quinceañera dances despite not getting one for myself, so I think I know how to twirl with a salad fork, okay?"


"Okay!: Thank you, Miss Jenn. "You know what? Let's stick a pin in Be Our Guest and brush up on Gaston. EJ and Big Red, to the front of the room, please. Wait, where's EJ?"

"You okay?" I ask my sister as she takes a seat. "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"

"Well, don't try and take control, cause Carlos will try harder and that'll be a battle no one will win."

"I would if I portal him to France and he could see for himself."

"Gina! Just try and cooperate, do something together. Teamwork. Ya know, like the lessons you learned from the team you're in"

"Okay, alright" she nods. Do I think she'll listen to me? Not really, but at least she says she might, so that's something.

"Okay, well, if anyone sees EJ, would you please tell him that rehearsals are mandatory."

You know, as a matter of fact, after EJ was kidnapped and Ricky saved him, he's been a little distanced. But to be fair, we were all kinda terrified when he came back covered in blood that wasn't his. "I'm gonna go find EJ" I whisper to Gina before sneaking out.

I walk into the hallway and see the brown-haired boy sulking against a wall, his head down. Is he okay? "EJ, you okay?"

He looks up and shows me a fake smile. "Yeah, yeah, I'm great. I'm excellent."

"EJ, you're lying."

He looks away for a minute before looking back. "I guess I'm just...lost right now. I met the leader of the Brotherhood. He showed me...something."

"EJ, what happened?"

"I thought my parents died because they were trying to save people in the building but they couldn't save themselves. That's what I was told, that what my uncle and aunt thought, but no. The leader...he...paralyzed them. They couldn't escape or use their powers. He killed them. And now he wants to kill me. He said 'it's a game.' Either he kills me...or I kill him. He...killed...my parents."

EJ's eyes turn redder, but he tries to wipe his tears away. "EJ" I lean forward and wrap my arms around his neck. He buries his face in my shoulder, his body starts shaking. I can't believe this.

Ricky's POV

"Okay children," Miss J says. "I have to run out for a quick moment. Please go back to workshopping Be Our Guest until I return and find a path forward. I've asked Mr. Mazzara to pop in."

Everyone lets out a yelp as Mr. Mazzara pops his head out. I saw it coming. I read his mind.

"And make sure that you don't get too rowdy while I'm gone. Thank you, Benjamin" Miss J walks out.

"Um, has anyone seen EJ?" Ashlyn asks. "Nini went out to find him" Gina explains. Yeah, he's been kinda distant since I saved him, so much for a "thank you." I wanted to ask him what happened down there, but he just said nothing

"Everybody, listen up!" Gina and Carlos call. "Great news. Gina and I agreed to joint custody of you all."

"Ricky, can you mind wipe 'em?" Mal asks and I shake my head.

"Don't try it, either" G tells me.

"Great, so we're basically your pets?" Kaden crosses his arms.

"So, who gets us on weekends?" Kourtney rolls her eyes.

"Yeah, how exactly is this great news?" Amber asks.

"We're gonna workshop our Be Our Guest visions with you separately before adding dancers, and the winning version, me, will then be decided by an anonymous vote."

"So we're basically voting for president?" TJ asks.

"Dance-president" Sadia snickers.

So after the storm, there's gonna be that big fight scene I was talking about. Now, can we pls talk about the trailer for Season 3? There was so much! It looks like while the others are at camo, Nini is gonna be with Miss Jenn, which I can't wait to see! Portwell...I need them to be the ENDGAME! Maybe Ricky can find someone else so that he won't steal another girl from EJ. But personally, I think Portwell will be okay because this trailer showed many scenes with them and they kissed. While Rini was the main couple in Season 2, but ni the trailer, they literally only had 2 scenes in the trailer, and they didn't kiss. So we're manifesting their Endgame. And really, I ship Ricky with Jet...I think they'd be nice together. And the original songs look amazing! From the looks of it, Gina's gonna have a duet with Corbin, which I honestly can't wait for! Ricky's getting a solo! Nini's getting a solo! And there's gonna be a whole camp song! I can't wait for this season! Stay safe and have a great day or night, wherever you are.

And look at this! Tell me you're not excited

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