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Ricky's POV

Power Resisting Spell
A Magical Light Ring
Snake Venom

Strand of EJ's Hair
Blood Lust Chemicals
Lightning in a Bottle
Dark Opal
Dragon Skin
Rose Petals
A tear of Human Sadness
EJ's Blood
Pearl Dust
Hope Potion

"Okay Ricky, where do you wanna go?" Nini asks.

"The supermax prison" I admit. Nini pushes her break and the car jerks. "Are you crazy?" Mal asks. "If she knows anything about the Brotherhood, she should know where to find some of these. We only know where to get a few. Trust me.

"Fine" Nini sighs. She takes a left and we make our way to prison.

After a while, we make it there. They let us in and we walk through the halls, making it to her cells. "Will you 2 come in with me, just in case?" I turn to EJ and Mal. 

"Um, sure."

"Well, we'll just stay out here" Gina and Nin shrug. I open the door and the boys stay in the back. I approach the cell and her back was turned to me. She slowly stands up and faces me. "Well, look who it is."

"Hi, mom."

She takes a step closer and breathes on the cell. I was terrified, but I need to show her I'm stronger now.

"Nice of you to finally visit."

"Not that you deserve it."

"And look, you brought your boyfriend and your teammate."

"EJ's not my boyfriend. but speaking of which, where's yours?" I cross my arms.

"They separated him from me."

"They were right."

"What do you want, Richard?" I hold up the note to her. She examines it. "What are you looking for?" 

"EJ's infected with BloodLust. These can help us cure him. You must know where some of it is."

She looks at me with a smirk. She bangs on the cell and I flinch. Taking a step back. To be honest, I was scared. I was scared to see her again. I was scared she'd hurt me...again. I feel EJ and Mal take a step closer.

"You're still afraid. You've always been. Your scars. Show them to me."

I thought I was free, but she still had some control over me and I don't know how. She had an electric collar on. She couldn't do anything to me. So why was I so scared? I slowly lift up my shirt and show the bruises she gave me. "Look at that. My greatest work."

I feel EJ grab my shoulder. "Where are they?"

"I don't know."

"Liar!" I shout. "You know something. Tell me now!" I bang my hand on the door, but she refused to answer, so I read her mind. Dark Opal. Hope Potion. My eyes glow gold. "The Dark Opal. The Hope Potion, what do you know about those?"

"Noisy brat."

"Tell us. Now" Mal demands. Lynne grins. "The Dark Opal, exceptionally rare, can be found in an underground club in Denver, the Hope Potion is in La. Not that it'll be any help."

"You can't get in my head anymore." 

"YesI can, I've always been able to. No matter how much you try to forget about me. I'll always be in that tiny little brain."

I feel my eyes water up. I'm not gonna cry. I'm not gonna cry.

"Aw, are you gonna cry?"

"Bye, mom." With that, I walk out and the guys follow me. "Take care of the baby for me" I hear her call. "With any luck, she'll be exactly like me."

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