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Gina's POV

I was in full panic. And I don't panic. The Brotherhood took Jamie, and I'm getting him back. The only thing I need to figure out is where to find him, which is why I woke up the whole team and Ashlyn's parents to find him.

I have to keep my eye on the prize. Right now, Jamie is the prize and the Brotherhood is the competition.

"Okay, so I was able to track his phone" Mr. Caswell explains in the gym. "And the fact that they didn't disable his phone or anything means Zach wants you guys to come after him. So I can track him."

"So is he the same place they took EJ?" Ricky asks.

"No. They went to one of their many...many...many locations. This time they're at that abandoned castle in the woods."

"It always has to be abandoned" Nini crosses her arms. "Why not just at North? He already works there." Ricky lets out a small laugh, but Ricky doesn't respond. She was still upset from earlier today. You know, when Ricky went against her instead of defending her.

"So we'll need a plan," Mal says. "He'll expect all of us to be there. So maybe...teams?"

"That works" I agree. "A few are on the lookout and the others go inside and find Jamie."

"And I think I can get a few other things," Lily says. I give her a confused look, as do a few others. "I didn't wanna tell you guys until I was certain I could find everything, but now I'm certain so...I've been working on this potion. And if I'm right, it should vanish the BloodLust in EJ."

"Wait, really?" EJ stands up with hope and excitement. "Yeah, I just need a few more ingredients. One I can find at the Brotherhood's lair. Blood Lust Chemicals."

"Oh, well then the people who split up can find the chemicals and potions" EJ shrugs. He was definitely getting his hopes up.

"Great, now 2 reasons," Mr. Caswell says. "Okay, then we have a plan. Mal, Sadia, Bruce, Jean, you guys are lookout. Lily, Howie, look for the chemicals. And Ricky, Nini, Gina, you guys find Gina's brother."

"What about me?" EJ asks. Mr. Caswell looks at us uncomfortable, and we know what that means. He doesn't want EJ to go.

"Uncle Dennis?"

"EJ, bud...I think it'd be better if...well if you stayed behind."


"Ricky told me about the fight at school. If Zach can control your BloodLust, then there's no telling what he can do."

"No, Uncle Dennis, I have to go with them. Please, there has to be some way."

"I'm sorry Eej, but unless there's a way to stop Zach from controlling..."

"Maybe there is!" Lily chirps up. "The potion I have now is only temporary, but it should be enough to grab Jamie and the chemicals."

"Are you sure, Lily?"

"She's a witch, she should be a pro with potions," EJ says. If I know my boyfriend, and I do, he was never gonna give up until his uncle gave caves in. I'm really rubbing off him, I'm so proud.

"Okay, Lily, get the potion."

Lily holds up her hand and the potion appears with a wave of green magic. She hands to EJ. "This won't last long so we have to be quick."

"Thanks, Lily."

"Okay kids," Mr. Caswell says. "I got something for you. Marcus! Bring them in!"

Marcus opens the door and walks in with new suits! Sweet! "The Brotherhood has this special technology in some of their lairs that stops me from connecting with you. But we were able to make advanced tech...with a little magic. So even there, I can stay connected to you guys."

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