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Allison's POV - (4 years old)

I was hiding under my bed, protecting myself from going out there. It's my 4th Birthday and Ricky planned this whole party for me, but I didn't feel like celebrating.

It feels like I don't know myself at all. Ricky won't tell me about my mom. Ricky said that dad died a while back trying to help him, but he won't tell me anything else. I hate it when he keeps secrets! It's like the only thing I truly know about him is that he's the hero, Chaos.

I hear the door open and I quickly try to be quieter. Wait! I wasn't even talking at all. I feel the bed sink down and I already know who it could be. "Everyone's looking for you, sis."

I roll my eyes and stay silent. I hear Riri huff and place a gift under the bed. "This present is going to self-destruct if you don't take in it 3...2...1..." I use my power to move things with my mind and move the box from his hand to me.

After a few seconds, Ricky slides under the bed and to my side. "You mad?" He asks me, but I turn away. "Oh, the silent treatment, used to that. Listen, Ally, I know you're mad at me, but I promised you-"

"You would tell me everything when I'm older" I mock my big brother. "So basically, I won't get to know my own life until I'm 16."

"Listen, I love you, more than anything in the world, I'm not telling you now cause I don't want that to weigh on you. I want you to enjoy your life like I couldn't. You have nothing to worry about, even if you don't know much, we're gonna be okay. Cause we got each other, and we will always have each other. Do you trust me?"

I turn back at him and see his eyes watering up with a smile. "I trust you," I tell him. He gets up from under the bed and pulls me up. "Remember what I always tell you."

"A family is forever, we can never truly leave them even if we tried."

"I got you something" he grins, holding up a gift box. I take it from him and unwrap it.

It's a locket. It's beautiful. Inside was a picture of Ricky holding me as a baby. "My 4th birthday party was when everything went wrong for me, and I definitely don't want that to happen to you. I'm leaving soon so whenever you feel like everything is falling apart, just hold the locket close and I'll be here."

"Thank you, Riri!" I tackle my big brother with a giant hug. He picks me up and spins me around laughing. I hope one day, he'll really tell me what happened.

Allison - (9 years old)

"Allison! I'm here!" Ricky calls from the door, I was staying with Asher, EJ, and Ashlyn for the day. Late at night, he walks in with Nini, Gina, EJ, Ash, and the others and sees me and Asher in the living room. "What's up?" He asks.

I hold up an envelope and they all go mute. Asher's my best friend, and he kinda had a little crush on me, so he'll do anything for me, so when I told him I wanted to find out more about my mom, he was quick to come help. He did research at the gym and have me this envelope that had everything about my mom, or what I'm hoping wasn't her.

"Where'd you get that?" Nini asks.

I turn my head to Asher, who looks down. "Ricky, can I talk to you?" I ask. Ricky looks at the others and they walk away, EJ taking Asher. "You know, you're way too mature for your age," Ricky says, approaching me.

"I'm sorry, but I needed to know" I take a seat. I couldn't wait until I was 16, I needed to know about my mother. "I'm only your half-sister. Please tell me everything."

"Okay," he says kneeling in front of me. "Your...our mom was a terrible person. She frequently abused me, she cheated on my biological dad with yours. She really made me bleed to the point where I stayed here. ...for months. Then, your biological father gained powers, then passed some to your mom, while she was pregnant with you. They used their powers to try and destroy the city...and my life. They almost killed Nini and were almost responsible for EJ's, but we stopped them. I didn't wanna tell you 'cause I didn't wanna burden you for that."

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