115 4 5

Power Resisting Spell
A Magical Light Ring
Snake Venom
Strand of EJ's Hair
Blood Lust Chemicals
Lightning in a Bottle
Dark Opal
Dragon Skin
Rose Petals
A tear of Human Sadness
EJ's Blood
Pearl Dust
Hope Potion


After we all introduced ourselves to Myles and warped everyone back into their normal clothing. I drive ourselves to a hotel. We all needed a breather before we get back to the crazy adventure we are all on. I swear, the moment we get here, the first thing I'm taking is a nap.

O check us into our room and the first thing I do is drop my bag and collapse on the bed. "Okay, we're in California. No way they can track us, right?"

"I hope not" Ricky huffs.

"You know, when you asked me to be a part of the Wild Force, I didn't think I'd be pulled into danger right away," Myles says. It was pretty nice to meet Mal's brother. Ricky, Gina, Walker, now Mal, everyone's got a sibling.

"Yeah, we can't prepare you for that" Nini laughs. "But now that you're here, you mind if we take your scales?" Ricky asks. "We kinda need to get back to Salt Lake before the week is over and it's almost over."

"Ricky!" Nini shouts. "We're sorry about him. He's not usually this straightforward."

"But we are on a mission, so get with the dragon scales" Gina crosses her arms. "Sorry again," Mal says.

"Nah, it's cool, just be quick" Myles raises his arm and his dark skin turns into black dragon scales. "I got this" Ricky ruses his hand and his fingertips glow gold. The same gold energy circles around one of the scales and he slowly peels it off, making Myles wince in pain.

As soon as it's done, I grab a plastic bag and the skin floats into it. Myles's scales slowly turn back into the skin, and that also heals the cut on his arm. "Okay, can we just rest for today?" Ricky asks. "Let's just chill and focus on everything else tomorrow."

"Absolutely" we all agree. We'll just relax for today and focus on everything else tomorrow. "Luckily for us, Ashlyn packed board games for us" I reach for one of my bags and see the number of games Ash packed. UNO, Monopoly, Family Feud, even Jenga. She thought of everything.

"Let's play UNO first" Gina takes the box. "Not to brag, but I'm a pro at this game so get ready to lose. No apologies, no prisoners."

"Oh, huh-oh, bring it, Porter" I snatch the cards right back from her. Anyone who knows me knows I'll do anything to win. Kourtney and I always had a habit of playing dirty and cheating, and no one's ever got on us for it. At least, not to our faces.

"This isn't gonna end well" Nini laughs.

"I don't know, I think this is gonna be interesting" Ricky crosses his arms with a smirk.

Gina's POV

It was our 5th round of UNO, and EJ kept winning. I'm determined to beat him. There's no way I'm losing. Maybe Gina 1.0. is reaching a little, but EJ has won 4 rounds, he's beating me somehow and I'm determined to find out what.

I put down a +4. "There's no way you have that."

EJ waits a few seconds before giving me a smirk. "Actually, I have this" he puts down a blank card. That meant he could do anything. "So everyone pic up 4 cards. Except Gina, for making us play 5 times, pick up 8."

"That's it, I'm done" Ricky drops his cards and stands up, jumping on the couch. "Same, sorry guys" Nini agrees. "For people, I just met, I'm already sick of y'all" Mylrd drops his cards and starts to choose another game.

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