128 4 25

Power Resisting Spell
A Magical Light Ring
Snake Venom
Strand of EJ's Hair
Blood Lust Chemicals
Lightning in a Bottle
Dark Opal
Dragon Skin
Rose Petals
A tear of Human Sadness
EJ's Blood
Pearl Dust
Hope Potion

Nini's POV

Everyone was getting dressed, I had a little time to myself. I start my own Livestream on Insta. I've never done this before so I might be a little weird. Weirder than I usually am, hehe. I press Livestream, let's do this.

"Hey, guys!" I smile brightly. "Um, I've never gone live before, so if I'msuoer awkward, that's why. Um, I just wanted to say, I don't know how I got 15,000followers, but I love you guys. Um, okay, hi." I honestly don't know what I'm doing, so I look through the comments looking for something to respond to.

"Oh! Your name is Nina too! Oh, you went away. Um...oh, hey, it's Carlos! Oh, I think it's a different Carlos. Oh, wow. Oh, it's a lot, you guys." This wasn't going well, but I found a comment that made my heart flutter.

Jack: Hey dork! You're doing great. I guess...I kinda miss you.

"Jack! Hey! I miss you too. Thanks for believing in me, I'll be back before school starts next week. Um...oh, a bunch of people are asking about new music, and yes, I totally wanna give back to you guys for all of the support. Which is why I have an entire notebook filled with brand-new songs that are coming up soon, so stay tuned!"

I end the stream, feeling bad that I lied to them. The only thing in this notebook was empty pages. I haven't been able to think of anything after the Rose Song. It's like all my inspiration is gone.

I hear my phone ding and see Jack text.

I hear my phone ding and see Jack text

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I laugh as my face grows red. I don't think I've felt for a boy the same way I feel for Jack. In my life. I really like it. I really like him.

Mal's POV

"Guys! Come here!" I shout. The 4 walks into the room. "You planning on scaring us again?" Ricky asks.

"Nah, I'm saving that for tomorrow" I snicker. The way they all shot out of their sleep. I wish I caught that on video. "Anyway, I found the club your mom was talking about" I show them my computer and they all gather around me.

"It talked Jewels. The Opal is kept by one of the most villainous drug lords in town, she calls herself, the Collectous."

"Rip-off from the Collector" Ricky rolls his eyes. Nini and Gina look at him confused. "Y'all haven't watched Guardians of the Galaxy?"

"That's an amazing movie" EJ gasps.

"Moving on, the Collectous has an obsession for collecting things for their worth. And a dark Opal is extremely rare. So getting it from her there is gonna be hard."

"I already got a plan, let's head out," EJ says before walking away. "How does he have a plan already?"

"He's the leader, guess it's a new habit of his" Nini shrugs. "Follow his lead, I guess." We all stand up and follow EJ out. I put the directions on my map and EJ makes the drive.

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