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Nini's POV

We have everyone other than Ricky meet up at Slices. Now, this group does include Kaden, Mal, Sadia, Jean, and Bruce. The others met them and they became a part of our gang. The reason we didn't have Ricky meet up with us is that this conversation is actually about him.

"Okay, what's up?" Gina asks. "EJ and I wanna talk to you guys about something" I grin and EJ takes over.

"Ricky's 16 birthday is tomorrow. He hasn't had a birthday party since he was 4."

"Why?" Kaden asks. "Family matters" I simply say, not wanting to put Ricky's business in the open. "So since he's in...let's say a happier mood now, we were thinking of throwing him a big 16 party!" The others quickly nod and start to mummer in agreement.

"Where would it be?" Jack asks.

"Red, we were hoping if we could have it here tomorrow," EJ says. "Of course, anything for Ricky!"

"Great, so tomorrow we can all come here and start preparing!" I smile. "We just need someone to hang with Ricky so he won't get too suspicious. Any volunteers?"

"I'll do it!" Walker volunteers, surprising all of us. "Ricky's been wanting to teach me how to skateboard, guess I can keep him busy until we're ready."

"Great, soo tomorrow, I can text you about when to bring him over."

The others start to talk, but Red pulls me and EJ to the side. "Are you guys sure he wants a party?"

"What do you mean?" EJ asks.

"You guys know what happened on his 4th party, he's also not the biggest fan of surprises, you guys really think he wants to remember that?"

EJ and I both share a concerned look. Ricky hasn't had a party since he was a kid and we wanted to throw him one so bad, we didn't even think of the memories that would come back to him. "We didn't think about that."

"I'm sorry guys-"

"No, no, Red, it's fine, you were just looking out," EJ tells him. "But I still think we should, it's too late to cancel."

"Okay, if you guys say so, I'll support it, I'll ask my mom if we can do it."

"Thank you, Big Red" I smile, giving him a hug. I just really hope this goes well.

Ricky's POV (The next day)

I wake up without a smile this time. It's the 22nd, it's my birthday, I'm officially 16. I know I should be happy, but I'm not the biggest fan of celebrating my birthday, it was always the same: "she" would hit me, "he" would smirk and watch, and my dad would sneak me a special cake in my room and I would spend the day with EJ, Red, and Nini.

Even if it may be different because "they" aren't here anymore, I still don't think I can celebrate.

"Ricky, bud! Can you come here please!" My dad calls out.

I get up and walk into the kitchen to see a chocolate cake, my favorite! "Dad, when did you learn how to bake?"

"I didn't, I bought this while you were still sleeping," he says, smiling and I chuckle. "Happy 16, buddy" he kisses my forehead. He grabs his lighter and lights the candles. "Make a wish."

I close my eyes and think to myself for a moment. I wish I could redo my 4th birthday party. I blow out the candles and my dad cheers like I'm 2. "So what'd you wish for?"

"Just for a good day, I mean, now that things are better, maybe I can finally have a good birthday, huh?" I laugh, but my dad's mood kinda fades. What's wrong. "You okay, dad?" I ask concerned. Things are better now, right?

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