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Lily's POV

I was in my golden Belle dress. Zach Roy, or should I say Spite is having me and my other "friend" Antione record a video to show our new musical, Beauty and the Beast.

I've always to play a Disney Princess, like Cinderella or Rapunzel, I was excited to play Ariel, and sure, playing Belle would be a dream, but it's wrong. My teacher infected one of my friends, he's hunting down me and my team, and he stole Beauty and the Beast from them. but I have to go along with this for now. Both Howie and I.

"Point your compass North, and tie that napkin around your neck, chere 'cause we are coming to slay" I give a fake smile. I love Belle, but I don't want to play her like this. Ashlyn's my friend, and she was so excited to be playing Belle, I don't want to feel like I'm outshining her, even if I do like competition.

"Our candles are real and our hearts are pure," Antione says in french. Thankfully, I can understand what he says with my magic.

I can't imagine what my friends might think about this.

Ricky's POV

I couldn't believe this!

I was showing the group the new video of North High. They stole our musical! I can't believe they stole our musical. "Is that Lily?" Seb asks. "She isn't directing the show, she's starring in it!"

"What? Wow, lucky her!" Ashlyn sighs, we all look at her confused. "You good, cuz?" EJ asks, and Ash was quick to retaliate. "Of course, I'm great, I'm good, more good than you, I know for a fact that's for sure."

"Yeah...you're soo good" EJ rolls his eyes, tugging on his jacket sleeve. Is he wearing a power dampening cuff again? Those barely even work on him anymore.

"Thank you all for coming so quickly on a Saturday," Miss Jenn says. "Of course, where else would we be...on the weekend? When we're supposed to be off school?" Jack's sarcasm grows, but Nini just giggles. He looks at her with a small grin. What's going on there?

"Thank you, Jack. Well, most of you all. We're missing a teapot and a village idiot."

"Uh, I think they're are at the Pizza Place," I tell her. "Kourtney put it in the group chat," Seb says. EJ hits his shoulder, but it knocks him off his seat. "Oh, sorry" EJ whispers, keeping his hands on his lap. Seb holds his shoulder in pain but gets back up. We gotta get rid of that Blood Lust fast.

"Oh, um, well I didn't see that text" Miss Jenn searches in her phone. So there are 2 group chats. There's the first one with Miss Jenn, when they talk about theater stuff I don't really pay attention to. Then there's the actual group chat, where we discuss important things, like our superhero, Spite, infected EJ situation, which also has Lily and Howie.

"I meant the group chats with me and EJ!" This boy is terrible at lying, but apparently, she bought that.

"Well, I can tell from your solemn faces you've all seen...the video."

"It's incredible, even I have no note!" Carlos exclaims. "I can't believe they stole our show!"

"I think their Lumiere is an actual french exchange student," I say. "Miss Jenn, how are we supposed to beat North at the Menkies if they're churning out this a second after changing their Musical?" We all started talking and chatting. This is intense, I can't believe Zach, AKA Spite would do this.

"Wildcats! Take Heart!" She calls out. "North High is clearly focused on bells and whistles. Impressive, but distracting. All we need is..."

"Friendship?" Seb asks. I look over at EJ, I could tell he was hiding something, so I send him a thought. That's one of my new powers, so I've been playing pranks on Derek and the other athletic jerks. Yeah, friends right? And friends tell each other everything. Best friends

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