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Ricky's POV

With EJ gone, the search for our Beast Mask was slower. But the costumes were pretty great. "Okay, I need to sit down, these expensive costumes are bumming me out." Kourtney sighs, taking a seat on the chest.

"You guys, my song has been viewed, like, 3,500 times now" Nini smiles. Um, "Wow" that's actually pretty cool. "Yeah, I keep getting all these DMs saying I should start a separate account for my music."

"Hmm, is that something you wanna do?"

"I don't know. It seems scary, right?"

"I'm a little scared right now, does that count?" I try to play it off with laughter. I kind of try to use humor when I try to hide how I feel.

"Oh, Howie" Kourtney laughs, but looks up at us. "I'm sorry, is this normal? To not know someone very long, but already feel like you know them so well?" Nope, I've never felt that way before.

Nini kicks the chest and surprises Kourt. "Oh! Sorry. Bad timing?"



"The box you're sitting on has fur stuck in the lid." Kourtney quickly stands up and Carlos flashes a light over the fur peeking out. "Open it," Nini tells her.

"You open it!"

Nini slowly bends down but hesitates. "Why am I scared?" She opens the box and Big Red and Carlos jump back. I look closer and see...nothing, basically. Nothing we're looking for. "It's just a bunch of very expensive-looking wigs."

"I want one" Carlos whined.

"I can't with this school's costume budget."

"So where's the Beast mask?"I wonder aloud.

We all jump back when the door opens. "See? I told you'd they be here!" Derek walks in with Lily, Howie, and other students. I forgot that Derek transferred here. That's why it's been so quiet at school. "Kourtney? Guys?" Howie asks.

"Um, hello Wildcats" Lily crosses her arms over her chest. Oh, this isn't good.

Miss Jenn's POV

"So, basically, what I'm saying is that I think we can agree it's our job to keep our morale up, and it's better for everyone to just focus on the show. What do you think?" He just lets out his evil pretty smile and chuckles.

"Why are you giving me handsome eyes?"

"Jennie, do you remember the cast party the first night after Guys and Dolls? The food, the music, the ambiance? It was like we were the only two people at Denny's."

Nope, he is not going to get under my skin with his beautiful soothing voice. "The point is, now my kids are convinced your students took out Beast Mask, which doesn't even sound crazy since you did steal our show."

"And that song we learned for the senior year talent show. God, we were great, we were the greatest."

"But it's not about the mask, of course! It's about the spirit and fair play of friendship."

"Yeah, it's just too bad you bailed on the big night."

"Okay, what?" He is not acting like it was all my fault. "I bailed because I caught you making out with Valerie Prescott 10 minutes before we had to go on."

"Come on Jennie, a true professional would've gone on anyway. You didn't want to because you knew I would out-sing and out-cha-cha you."

Oh, no he didn't. "Excuse me?"

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