106 2 11

Power Resisting Spell
A Magical Light Ring
Snake Venom
Strand of EJ's Hair
Blood Lust Chemicals
Lightning in a Bottle
Dark Opal
Dragon Skin
Rose Petals
A tear of Human Sadness
EJ's Blood
Pearl Dust
Hope Potion

Myles POV (13 Years Old)

Having magical powers makes you very different. And the fact that your dad hates you for them makes it worst. He'd always hurt me if I ever showed them, in and out of the house. And when mom passed, it just got worst. So I try my best not to...at least, not while he's around.

My dad wasn't here so I was making a little potion. It's a levitation potion. I can fly, but I love doing magic. I slowly breathe in the smoke and set the bowl down on my bed. I slowly start hovering above my bed.

Man, I love magic.

But it all came crashing down when my door opened.


I fall back on my bed and was able to grab the bowl before it spilled, but not before my dad saw.

"What have we told you about practicing magic?!" My dad yells.

"I'm sorry, I can't help it!"

"You mean you can't control it!"

"Then why don't you teach me how to..."

"Then everyone will see what you really are, dragon. A monster." I got angry and tears spread through my eyes. "How could you say that to your own son?"

"Because you're NOT MY SON!" I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. What's he talking about? "There, I said it. After all these years, not that your mother's gone, I can finally tell you the truth."

"What do you mean?"

"You're not our son, Myles. Your parents gave you away, they said it was to protect you from something. Your mother insisted, she was lulled in by you at a young age, but now I see what's under the surface. Your wickedness."

I start to cry, but I also got angry. "Well, I'd rather be wicked than a sad old drunk!"


"You know what, no! If I've really caused you this much trouble, I'll spare you anymore" I snap my fingers and in a puff of black smoke, my bags were packed. I grab my spell book. I'm leaving.

"And where do you think you're going?"

"TO FIND A FAMILY THAT WANTS ME!" I storm out and slam the door, not turning back for one second. My family will come back for me, I know they will.

(Present Time)

I grab my brother's arm and pulled him up. "Denver, huh? What brought you here?"

"After you and dad never came back, I came to stay away from you guys."

"Listen, Myles, I'm sorry. But I tried tracking you down, and now I have. We sent you away to protect you from mom. And now it's...kind of safe, I thought now would be the best time to come by and catch up."

"Aw, that's sweet. But something tells me you're also here for something else."

"Well, you wanna join the Wild Force?"

My eyes dart up and I look at him confused. "Lemme guesses, the team's outside."

"We need help, Myles. This guy is ready to start a war with us. We're trying to make a potion that can save our friend from an infection and right now, we need a few more ingredients, including dragon skin."

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