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Power Resisting Spell
A Magical Light Ring
Snake Venom
Strand of EJ's Hair
Blood Lust Chemicals
Lightning in a Bottle
Dark Opal
Dragon Skin
Rose Petals
A tear of Human Sadness
EJ's Blood
Pearl Dust
Hope Potion


We all stare at the Collectous who had an evil grin sewn on her lips. "Yo, Collectous" Ricky waves. I focus on what I saw. The one thing that made this entire mission much more complicated and harder.

The Dark Opal

Being used as the Collectous necklace.

"Um, ma'am, is there a reason we're in here?" Nini asks shyly

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"Um, ma'am, is there a reason we're in here?" Nini asks shyly.

"Ah, yes. I know everyone who comes into this club. So I wanted to welcome the 4 new faces my guards informed me about."

My eyes dart from her face to the necklace. How would this situation play out? I could snatch that necklace right off her neck and all she would feel is a gush of wind. I could steal the necklace and speed us all out of here, I don't what to do.

"Well, we feel welcomed, so if you excuse us" I was ready to lead the others out, but one of the guards stand in front of the door.

"Actually, you 4 look familiar" Collectous slowly stands up from her seat, walking in front of her desk. "Like those little heroes in Salt Lake my friend, Spite told me about. Does that ring a ball...EJ Caswell? Ricky Bowen? Gina Porter? Nini Salazar-Roberts?"

My heart starts racing. I can't let it slip. Fortunately, I'm good at lying. "I don't know what you're thinking of, but we're not who you think we are." I should do it now, just nab the necklace and run, but I didn't.

"Really, so why don't you tell me who you are?"

We all look at each other, trying to figure out our fake names. The one thing I didn't plan for. "So I just say something right off the tongue. "Matt Cornett."

"Sofia Wylie."

"Joshua Bassett."

"Olivia Rodrigo."

"Hmmm, those are oddly specific names" she tilts her head. Come on, Eric, grab the necklace. "Guess I was wrong. Should've known. Spite told me they were here for my necklace, but seeing as you guys haven't tried anything yet. He also said this EJ boy would be covered in black veins from an infection he has. Poor dear, isn't he, Matt?"

"Oh, yes. Y-Yes he is."

"Actually, we could use your help with something" Ricky steps up. "You sell things based on their worth, right?"


"We're looking for something valuable. It's called Pearl Dust. Is there any chance you have some of that?" I look at Ricky confused, and he sends me a mind thought. If there's any chance we have at finding everything we need, it's right now.

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