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Power Resisting Spell
A Magical Light Ring
Snake Venom
Strand of EJ's Hair
Blood Lust Chemicals
Lightning in a Bottle
Dark Opal
Dragon Skin
Rose Petals
A tear of Human Sadness
EJ's Blood
Pearl Dust
Hope Potion


Mal and Myles went out to get Pizza, Ricky's been out for a while so it's just me and Nini. I needed to tell someone about how I killed that guy. And Nini is always good to talk to. "Um, Nini, can I talk to you about something?"

"Sure. What's up?" She puts down her Song Book.

"Nini. On the Island, when I said I was fine. I wasn't." She tilts her head and nods her head, playing with her braid. "On the other side...the Brotherhood found us. I got in this big sword fight. And my BloodLust took over. I threw my sword and...I basically cut him in half" my breath starts shaking. "I had to...to walk over his blood. It was cold. And I regret every moment. I've been trying to stay optimistic...that I would be normal after this, but even when I'm cured, those deaths will still be on my hands. And I'll never be able to forgive myself."

"EJ" Nini grabs my arm and pulls me into the chest. I cuddle into her and start to cry a little. She rubs circles around my back. "What? You're not gonna give some emotional speech about how everything's gonna be okay?"

"Sometimes the best thing I can do is give you a hug," she tells me. We just sit in silence for a while, just laying on her chest. The silence was pretty soothing.

A portal opens up and Gina jumps through. She looks at us and her smile fades. "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, I just...needed someone to talk to, is all" I shrug. "Well, lucky for you guys, I got this" Gina holds up...the hope potion! Nini and I quickly jump and smile. "You'll be cured in no time!"

"G! That's amazing!" I laugh. She smiles widely and pulls me in for a hug. I missed this. I really did.

"And now that I'm here, I can help you guys with your son" she pulls away. "I'll tell you all about my epic sword fight with Agatha later."

"Wait, you guys had a sword fight?" I ask.

"Yep, your fencing lessons paid off."

Wow, Gina and I had a sword fight the same day. What are the odds? "Well, you're welcome" I grin. "I'll go grab Ricky and we can all get started. As soon as Mal and Myles come back with pizza."

Ricky's POV

I finally finished my song. It took a while, but I finally came up with all the lyrics. Thanks to Walker. I'm finally ready to let go of my mom. I'm ready to start over.

Close the book before it turns to tragedy
Bring the evil, give up the fantasy
I'll never forget, but I hope you regret
The way you always tried tearing down my world
Perfectly imperfect like it had to be

Who thought a mothers kiss
Would turn into her betray?
But since I was young, I swore
I'll never walk away

I love you so much that I've gotta let you go
It couldn't last forever
And I'm gonna find better
I can't forget us, can't pretend we ain't broken
It was good together
Now I've gotta let you go

I will always remember who you used to be
I'll save the photographs and keep the memories
The dark curls in our hair, the secrets that we shared
The way that you would kiss my head and love me so
We laughed until we cried, it feels like yesterday

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