2. Interview With A 'God'

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You rubbed the top of your thighs nervously, the denim heating up a bit under your palms "You alright?" the pilot chirps over the headset "Yeah, just a nervous flyer, the sooner we get there the better." you said. He chuckled and turned to his controls "Ain't no enemy weapons out here Sargent." he said as the helicopter lifted into the air. You chuckled as you watched your home grow smaller and smaller, it hurt somewhat, but the rest was just too happy to care. You've been practicing teleporting the last few days, from what you can tell it has no range but you must be able to see wherever it is clearly in your mind. You stretched a little and held onto the straps, you brought a book for the ride but you always found yourself just staring out the window on car trips, and no surprise, a helicopter was no different.

After a bit of flying, they landed in the nearest city with an airport where a quinjet was waiting for them. You saw the machine on the pad with a red-haired woman, and a bald man with one eye staring at you. They waved you over as you jogged carefully over, trying not to accidentally teleport in front of them. You smiled as you walked up "Hello Ms. (L/N). I'm Director Fury, this is Agent Romanoff, we're here to take you to the compound." the one-eyed man said. You set down your bags and stuck out your hands "Personal flight from the former head of S.H.I.E.L.D. and everything? I feel special." you said.

Nat nodded "You should, real psychics are hard to come by." she said, grabbing one of your bags to help as you grabbed the other. "Well, it does help that you guys gave me such pretty new earrings." you said, tapping your ears "They work okay?" Fury asked. You gave him a nod, entering the jet from the ramp "I can't hear anything with these, just what I'm supposed to, and I'm in a city. This used to overwhelm me like crazy." you said, still in disbelief.

As the door shut Natasha gestured to the table "So you understand what you'll be doing" she said. You shrugged "Just that I'll be interrogating someone." you said. Nat tilted her head "Mostly just interviewing." she said with a shrug as you arched a brow and smirked as she shot a knowing smirk back. "Government facility wants me to come in just to interview someone? Yeah right, I know the interviews they do and its a lot less talking." you explained. Nick cleared his throat "Can't blame you for being as mad at the government as you are '' he said, dropping a thick manilla folder on the table. Your smile faded into a sullen stare at the folder as it read those painful little words

'Gunnery Sergent (Y/N) (L/N)'

You cleared your throat, looking away and crossing your arms, you knew that was going to come up at some point but you hoped not as quickly. Fury sat across with his fingers laced in front of his face  "You went to them about the prophecy, trying to get transferred to SHIELD." he said. You nodded "They didn't believe me and gave me a medical discharge for PTSD suffered in battle" you murmured spitefully. Nat nodded "I can't blame you for being upset, I would be too... We just want to make the first step in those amends by apologizing," she said.

You smiled and looked between the two 'Stupid, we could have helped her years ago' she thought, 'What the hell kind of government agency turns down a psychic?' Fury thought. You chuckled then pointed at them"You guys aren't like the rest of them. You actually mean that." you said while leaning on the table. Nick nodded, he had nothing to hide "We want to make up for overlooking it before, your assistance would have been inva-" you held up your hand "Don't worry about it really I know it wasn't you two personally so you don't need to apologize for someone on the council" you explained. Nick nodded and stood, grabbing another folder "Good because I hate doing it." he said then placed a picture of a handsome man with long black hair, dashing eyes, seemingly in a high-security jail cell.

You arched your brow and smiled "Damn, no offense, can he boss me around?" you asked, to which Fury crossed his arms "Oh, he almost did, he's the one that tried to overthrow New York a few years back." he said. You narrowed your eyes then looked at them, now flushed realizing what you'd said "Oh god... I've never seen a picture of him... Really?" you asked. They nodded "He's who we need to interview, we had to arrange things a certain way so the three that approached you wouldn't know why we needed you because the said target is also a mind reader." he explained.

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