16. Swimming

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Something tickling your face jostled your eyes open, realizing it was Wanda's hair from the breeze of the AC you exhaled

'Right, Loki slept downstairs last night' you thought

You carefully maneuvered out of Wanda's arms and went over to your shower, peeling off the clothes from last night and running it hot. As you waited for the water to increase you decided to check on Loki



You jumped a little, not expecting him to respond at all much less so quickly

'Oh, you're awake...'

'I am now, remember this is like yelling at someone.

You bit your lip 'Right, I'm sorry.'

'It's fine, are you okay?'

'Yeah, I just wanted to make sure you'd calmed down before I came down.'

'Of course I... We should talk'

You hopped in the shower 'Yes, I'll be down in a minute'

'Did you just turn on the shower?'


'I could just meet you-'

You huffed angrily knowing what he was going to say 'Loki after what you did last night I'm not in the mood. So you wait there for me to come to you, or I'm gonna get Wanda. Understood?'

'... in the kitchen.'

You smirked a little before cleaning up and getting dressed in some workout shorts and a sports bra/workout top thing before heading downstairs. As you entered the kitchen area Loki seemed to be in the kitchen working on a cup of tea for himself, turning sharply as he heard you. As your eyes met both of you froze somewhat as though you were afraid of what the other was going to do.

It was a moment before he held up the tea kettle as though offering it, you shook your head "Thank you no, I'm not a tea person" you said as you headed down the stairs. He nodded then poured his cup as you began to work on your breakfast. "Let's talk," you said "Pull out the cast iron for me" you pointed at the set on the wall. He blinked and looked up before grabbing it "Do you want to wait till your breakfast is done?" he asked.

You shook your head "Whenever my sister and I got into a fight we'd cook a meal and talk it out... Call it a teamwork exercise, call it me teaching you some form of cooking besides reheating frozen items and candy." you said. He narrowed his eyes "Several of those I made for BOTH of us my dear lady" he said, you smiled gently as you pulled out ingredients to make bacon pancakes "and I appreciate it, now fill this with water" you said, handing him a measuring cup. He rolled his eyes and walked over to the sink as you began the talk.

"Why did you choke me?"

"What you said was upsetting to me"


"... And sometimes I forget that I get carried away when I'm angry" he walked over with the cup as you poured the instant mix into the bowl.

You nodded, happy that he at least admitted he got carried away as he leaned over you to pour the cup he turned to your ear "I never truly meant to hurt you I swear... " you nodded again "I know... but you need to keep that under control... I'm only going to defend so much of that because I'm worth more as a person" you put in a whisk and handed it to him while you began working on the bacon. He nodded and began stirring. Leaning his back against the counter he sighed "I understand... and I'm sorry." he said.

She Burns (Final Form) (LokiXReader)Where stories live. Discover now