7. To Sit

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A light tapping sound jerked you from your sleep, not enough to fully awaken, you kept your eyes close just wanting to sleep the pain away. Luckily, you didn't have to move, someone walked over to the door and opened it

"Hey, how is she?" Tony

"She's fine, still resting." Loki...

'Wait, Loki's in my room?'

"Okay... Bring her to the lab when she wakes up, we're gonna talk about what happened and get her checked out." Tony said. All at once, the memories came flooding back, lash causing tears to fall and a sob nearly escaped. You heard shifting for a moment and froze thinking they heard you.

"I'll bring her when she's ready and not a moment sooner," Loki said before shutting the door hard.

"Yeah, take your time" Tony muttered at the door, although he meant it he didn't care for getting the door slammed in his face.

You bit your lip and inhaled, trying to get yourself together before Loki noticed you were awake, but it was too late. After a moment a hand came around, brushing your tears before pulling to a warm, solid chest "You don't have to be awake yet if you don't want to be." he whispered, resting his head on yours. You smiled and sniffled, blushing softly as you raised a hand to lace with his fingers, his proximity was comforting but it left you slightly on edge.

"What time is it?"

"Doesn't matter"


"... Two-thirty in the afternoon."

"Jesus... What happened?"

"I was hoping you could tell me... What do you remember?"

He pulled you slightly to him

"I... I remember being in the cell... And I remember..." you winced "My body is vibrating all over starting from my head... They shocked me." you said then opened your eyes. You laughed softly "You'd be proud I made him mad." he chuckled "What else?" he asked gingerly, his soft tone made you arch a brow. You thought for a moment, just the electricity... a bit of being carried out... Oh!

"Your thome... It reappeared and glowed... I think you protected me." you said. He shook his head with a frown and held up your arm, uncovering the thome as it stayed "It's still here, these spells are a one-time use. You saved yourself." he said, lacing his fingers with yours.

You stared at your arm and sat up "How?" you asked, looking at him. He sighed and sat up "That's what Stark wants to talk to you about," he said, looking you up and down "But (Y/N) trust me, you DO NOT have to go out there until you're ready." he said. You furrowed your brow at him, his tender tone and gentle words somewhat churned you "Why are you talking like that?" you asked, slipping out of the bed. 

He furrowed his brow and shifted so he sat on the bed "Like what darling?" he asked quietly, you jabbed your hand in his direction "Like that, you're talking to me all nice" you said. He sat up, taken aback "I'm always nice to you," he said, standing up, you stepped back, scoffing "You hit on me, constantly, make fun of me, talk down to me, you're never like this!" you exclaimed, crossing your arms.

He huffed and clenched his fists "... You've been through a lot I'm simply trying to spare you from myself-" "-Well don't" you said. You shook your head, rubbing your forearms trying to calm yourself down, the onsetting signs of a panic attack setting in. You huffed, feeling your eyes water "Because if... If you start treating me like that... Its... It'll be real." you said, shifting side to side on your legs nervously. Loki eyed you carefully then narrowed his eyes "What will, (Y/N)? What happened?" he asked, you shook your head "N-No I-" Loki stepped forward, reflexively you jumped back and squared up as an image of the Interrogator came in your head.

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