27. Potential

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This chapter contains forcible kissing, implied near forced sexual acts.

After a moment your eyes fizzled, and you felt alone with Loki. You stood up and looked at him as he held out his hand

"(Y/N), I'm sorry I didn't tell you about this but Sol just wanted to show me your godly potential-"

"-I cannot believe the two of you. Arguing over me like children, what potential I have as a god, what power I wield. I. AM NOT. A GOD. I'm (Y/N) damn it! I have thoughts and feelings. Sol shoved me out of the wheel of my own body, and you because YOUR EGO wanted a good fight let it happen! I don't know this person inside me, Loki not really at all! I trusted you to help me, and you used me! To test my 'God' limit or yours or WHATEVER! I didn't want ANY of that, I thought you saw me as someone MORE than Sol's Vessel!" you yelled, knees buckling out from underneath you, causing you to collapse.

Everyone had been celebrating and praising you, 'the New Avenger' 'A God' 'Amazing potential' 'Work hard, we expect great things' all of it was just too much. Your anxiety was overfilled with the pressure, Loki was the one thing that never expected anything of you, he just helped you towards your own goals and now you feel like he had this worldly godly view of you and the pressure was overwhelming.

Loki slowly walked over as you cried and knelt beside you "(Y/N), I never meant to overburden you-" your hands shook as he got closer "I was trying to talk to you, I told you I loved you for the first time and you called me a liar! Then Sol takes over and starts talking to you about potential and weakness and you threw away what I was going through for a fight! Then you don't even tell me what I did, I knew I tossed you around but I WAS ACTUALLY OFF WORLD AND YOU NEVER TOLD ME!?" you yelled, not looking at him. He grabbed your chin making you meet his light emerald eyes that burned with anger "Yes and I know I wasn't thinking clearly I was just so angry I wanted a vent for-" "-So you fight a god while I took a nap then apologized and told me about yourself. Great. I'm glad you worked through your shit. I'm glad you were venting your anger while I was put in a time-out corner and lied to like a child." you spit, slapping his hand away before you stood.

You walked over to your Avengers case and placed it on the bed "I'm getting ready for the mission now and I'd like it if you left. You want to fight a god and vent these emotions off too, I'm sure Thor would be happy to help!" you snapped, not looking away from your case. You hear an angry sigh behind you before quick footsteps towards you, so you turn "Loki I said lea-" he cuts you off by forcefully pushing his lips onto yours. Your hands pushed against his chest, trying to push him off of you, but he only clutched you tighter, walking you over to the bed and pushing you two against it.

After he broke away from the air you gasped a little "Get off! Loki! I said GET OFF" you yelled, pushing him to your best strength. He still pinned you as you growled and pushed him with your powers into the wall. He fell to the floor after making contact then groaned and sat up on his knees as you glared, holding your hand outward. You panted from the interaction, your whole body shaking as you met his eyes, how mournful he looked as tears peaked in his eyes made your stomach churn seeing him in pain "I-I hate you..." you trailed shakingly "You need to leave now. I need time to think." you said.

Loki's head shifted "I... I can't-" "Loki, if you have even the smallest inkling of care for me, if you want this relationship to stand a shot when I return, you will do this." you said. A moment went by and he nodded, pulling away to meet your eyes, his eyes were red and tear-stained, more than when he pushed you onto the bed. "Yes, I'm... I'm sor-" "Don't be sorry just leave." you said deeply, shaking again. He pressed his lips together and nodded before getting off of you and teleporting away, it was the saddest you'd ever seen him without being angry. You bit your lip and rolled over, curling into a ball and crying until it was time to leave on the mission.

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