19. Icy Heat

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Fury leaned into his chair as you laid back in the hospital bed, Loki on one side, Thor and Bruce on the other, and Fury sitting in a chair across from you as he absorbed everything you just said. He inhaled deeply and looked at Nora who still slept peacefully "And she seems... On top of it?" he asked, you nodded "I'm sorry I can't go too into it but I think she can be believed... When she learned about not being able to ever go home she was devastated, and shaken, like she was truly distraught. I just don't see her doing then lying to us about something so specific. It doesn't benefit her" you explained with a shrug.

Fury nodded, still watching her for a moment before looking back at you "We'll be waiting here for her to wake up and interview her... Then we'll send her your way." he said. You nodded, then looked up as Thor seemed to stare down at the girl "Thor?" you asked as he snapped over "I know she's your type but she's in a coma man" you joked, he rolled his eyes and went back to looking.

You shook your head again "Okay, well if thats all I'm going to my room" you said, pulling the blanket "Woah, woah, (Y/N) you haven't moved in days take it easy." Bruce said, clamoring to your side. You groaned as you started getting out of bed then stood "See? Golden." you said then walked over, grabbing the clothes you were wearing that were wrapped up in a bag. Fury stood as you walked "Rest up while you can agent, the second you're better I have a stack of assignments with your name on them... Oh, and don't worry none of them revolve around reading minds." he said. You looked overarching a brow "Loki told us you couldn't hear thoughts anymore... To be honest we had expected that after we went over the mind scan" he said with a shrug, making it seem as though it wasn't any huge loss. You frowned a little "I would like to have been in the know."

Fury only scoffed "It's not my fault it takes you a minute." he said as you held your items to your chest. Loki walked over and ushered you out before you could start taking swings at Fury. He laughed a little, gripping your upper arms "Come now, leave the Director to his ribs" he joked though he did want to get you out of there. You rolled your shoulder a bit "My shoulder is killing me" Loki only chuckled "After a week in the medic's bed will do that" he said, rubbing his back jokingly.

You smiled up at him then moved your stuff and reached down to lace your hands together, he looked at the hands then at you as you nuzzled into the arm "You're awfully clingy today... Not that I mind but..." you laughed a little "Sorry it's just... Nora's from a world where we're all movies and her timeline of movies has some different things happen... Things in which we don't meet at all." you said.

He chuckled "And you're thinking of such sweet release?" he teased, you snickered with him but stopped and looked up as he took a step, realized you weren't following, and looked back "No... I just... I don't even want to think about where I'd be if we never met honestly..." you trailed, looking him in the eyes when you said it. Loki blinked a little and met your eyes before sighing "I don't know what I'd be doing if you never came to the compound..." he trailed off.

His hand seemed to clench yours tightly before pulling you into his chest "I don't wish to think about it either." he murmured into your hair as you smiled, stroking his arm "Let's not then... C'mon" you said then led him away from the hospital floor. On the elevator you adjusted your silver silk robe "Tony really hooked it up with the hospital gowns" you said, turning away from the camera as you untied your robe and adjusted.

Loki leaned his head back a little trying to get a peek as you retied it again "Really Loki? You have a picture on your phone of what they look like!" you exclaimed flustered as you closed the robe quicker and turned. He shifted his eyes and shrugged "Yes but you're right here. That picture is for missions." he said as though it were out of the question, making you laugh as the elevator door opened "Still haven't shown that to anyone?" you asked.

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