35. Epilogue

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I stared down at the stove as the eggs on it sizzled and cracked on the pan, the bacon on the other sizzling loudly. I blinked realizing I was cooking and squeezed my hands together, bringing myself back to reality, the technique worked wonders for my zone outs. I glanced around, taking in the area I knew so well, the kitchen, small and intimate with a small table in the center. The benches were there, a small dusty high chair was shoved in the corner, I'd hoped to need it again someday.

I arched a brow hearing small careful footsteps and turned back to my work, he probably needed space after last night, and I was willing to give it. The footsteps came down the stairs "Morning" I said gently, grabbing another pan and shoving the first one with cooked food back. Iden cleared his groggy throat "G'morning" he said, I turned to him, his hand fretted with each other as his green eyes looked up at me through his curly black hair.

Seeing this used to hurt so much, he looked just like her.

He stood upright and bit his lip, he was tall as most six year old's in his class, taller since he stood on the stairs of our home. I crossed my arms as he seemed to want to talk "Are you okay? You're up early." I asked, he nodded "I'm... I'm sorry about dinner." he said. I sighed, he was still shaken after our fight last night. I leaned over to the step stool and pulled it beside me "Come on... You know your mother's rule." I said, patting it. He smiled, seeming to understand I wasn't upset with him anymore, and walked over, climbing the steps as high as he needed to reach the stove.

I turned, handing him the pancake mix in the cup as I began to butter the pan "Do you know why you were upset last night?" I asked. He looked down and shrugged "I don't know." he said simply, though I knew, he threw a tantrum when I made a certain meal that included an ingredient his mother was allergic to. He became so flustered he yelled something he didn't mean and stormed upstairs, leaving me alone with my thoughts. I inhaled and gestured the pan, he carefully poured out the batter "Were you upset with me?" I asked, he shook his head, pulling the cup back in time and set it down. I handed him a spatula "... With your mother?" I asked, he only looked down at the counter, he huffed and wiped his eye "I miss her." he said gently.

I nodded and rested my arm on his shoulder, he reached over and held me tightly to him as though he were waiting for an excuse to hug me. I rubbed his back as he cried silently "I miss her too..." I trailed off, feeling a pang in my heart. In an instant, I made my decision for my family. Just as quickly she made hers and I was alone with my regrets and my son. I flipped the cake as Iden cried into me "But thats what today is for, we're making her favorite and we're taking some time." I said. He pulled back "I want more time." he said with a pout, I had to smile, like any other kid he didn't want to go to school but he was far from any other kid.

I looked back at the cake and plated it "Me too... See how the edges puff up? Flip them with the spatul." I said.

A bit of time and some burnt pancakes later, we went outside, there was a small picnic table we'd made many memories at. He rested the syrup on the table he helped carry out as I rested the food, setting out three plates with naught but the lantern to light it up. It was still very early, the sun had yet to come up.

Iden sat up on the bench and watched as I set out breakfast "How come Mommy isn't here with us now?" he asked. I froze, explaining what happened was always so hard, it was like before was a completely different life than what I had now. I set down the last of the food and sat beside him, we both face out down the mountain "A long time ago... Mommy made a decision for you... She decided that she loved you so much that she wanted you to grow up with your Daddy... She wanted to make sure I was here for your life, your firsts, your tears, your joy... Even if that meant she couldn't be here." I explained. He stared before smiling and looking up "Mommy must really love me" he said as the sun peaked over, lighting up his adorable face.

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