15. Plans

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You closed your eyes, focusing on your home and a moment later you were there just outside "Norns!" "It's beautiful!" Thor and Wanda both cooed at the rustic home as you both started walking to the solid. You pulled out your key and opened it, everything is basically where you left it, a little dusty but that's it. You gestured everyone in "Sorry it's a little musty I haven't been here in months" you said as they shuffled in "Bedrooms are upstairs on the second floor, the third floor is off-limits because that's my room and bathroom" you explained, heading up the stairs.

You motioned Thor and Wanda to their rooms then went up the stairs into the attic area, the size of an average studio apartment, it had a queen-size bed, a bay window with stacks of books by it, a bathroom, and a desk area with stacks and stacks of journals on them. The walls and slanted ceiling had tapestries, fairy lights, all kinds of things nailed to it, this was your home for five years so you did what you damn well pleased with it.

You set down your bag and flopped on the bed with a groan "Very Nice" Loki said, looking around the room, taking everything in as you sat on the bed "Why do I feel like you're judging me?" you asked. He shrugged as he looked around "You've yet to decorate your room at home, it's weird to see what you would do to space over time," he said, walking over to the desks. His hand reached to your last diary, but you held your hand out and pulled the journal over, making him smirk at you "No peeking" you said, tucking your journal away.

He chuckled "It's funny if you think that's going to stop me." he said, approaching the bed slowly, you shrugged and sat upon the bed "I'll play keep away all weekend if I have to." you said, shooting him a coy look. He chuckled, seeming to walk away before jumping to the bed, trying to get it back "Hey!" you grabbed his hand and pulled it away, only to have him reach over with the other hand and pin you down to the bed.

You both laughed at each other for a moment then locked eyes as he still held your face, he lent down giving you a soft kiss, still pinning your arm as you held his wrist. You slid your hand down his arm and up to his cheek, stroking it with your thumb before he slid his hand down your side, resting it on your hip as he deepened the kiss.

Your other hand went behind his head as you two kept pulling away for air only to join again, Loki's knee slowly traveled up until it met your crotch, earning a small moan before you remembered what you talked about and pulled away. You bit your lip "As nice as this is, I..." you fidgeted as he huffed "Right, I remember, I just... Its hard to control myself around you sometimes." he explained, kissing your forehead before he got off.

You stifled a whimper as his weight left you and sat up "Thank you" you said then stood and laced your fingers with his "C'mon, you can help me get dinner ready" you said, almost dragging him with you. You rummaged through your cabinets then sighed "Yeah I don't know why I thought there was food in here" you said, remembering you fed it to the wildlife during your last few days here.

Loki shrugged "Why not just order out as Stark does?" he asked, you blinked at him "Loki we're on a mountain ain't no doordash out here," you said, shaking your head with a chuckle. He shrugged unknowingly and began to look around as well "Don't worry about it there's nothing... Damn I really-" you snapped your head over as someone knocked. Loki pulled out a knife and nudged his head behind him to the stairwell, you nodded and walked over to the stairwell, getting underneath it.

Loki walked over to the door, hiding the knife behind his back before opening the door carefully "Hi, can I help you?" he asked politely "Discord" Nat's voice said before he let her in. You smiled and got out "Nat, hey!" you said, walking over and helping her with whatever bags she had "Fury is great but sometimes he doesn't think ahead, so I got this." she said, pulling out groceries with random things for the next couple days.

She Burns (Final Form) (LokiXReader)Where stories live. Discover now