25. Pub?

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You all piled into a couple of different cars, eventually split up by Boys, girls, and Gods. You followed Tony's car as Nora and you talked in the front, the boys fought in the back and after a half-hour, you were there. It was a decent-sized place and had a certain... Violent quality that you look for in a classic pub "Ah, it's perfect!" you said excitedly then laced your arm with Nat who happily walked with you up with the other doors as the others followed. You walked in confidently and looked around with a smile before walking over to the biggest table, plopping yourself down as everyone else followed "Damn, (Y/N) someone's excited to go to a dive." Nat said as she sat beside you.

You chuckled "I got my tolerance back, I'm celebrating with my comrades, of course, I'm damn excited!" you exclaimed as two waiters walked over and took everyone's drink orders. You ordered your drink as Loki sat down beside you, he took your hand and leaned in "May I have your consent beforehand? I know how ravenous you can get after a few drinks." he asked against your ear, sending a flush to your cheeks "Yes" you said, smiling at him.

As the first round arrived, Steve stood clearing his throat "Guys" he said as everyone quieted "(Y/N), Sam, Nat, and I just wanted to quickly share our appreciation for your actions... It's thanks to you we were not only able to get out of there safely, but you were able to save a scared child as well."

You blushed a little and smiled before looking at Steve "I think it's so appropriate that your first mission was to save us, I know with someone like you on our team you'll be doing plenty of saving in the future... To (Y/N)!" he exclaimed happily as everyone cheered and drank. You laughed a bit, brushing some strands out of your face as you tried to hide the blush that crept as they cheered and Loki rubbed your thigh in some form of pride. You clinked your beer with everyone before drinking, after that everyone somewhat began talking broadly to each other at the table, a few more rounds passed before you stretched your neck and looked at your phone.

8 Missed Calls from Serena, 10 from... Mom? You froze, staring at your phone blankly for a moment before you pocketed it "Be right back guys I'm going to get some air" you said then stepped out of the bar, resting just outside with some drunks either hanging out, making out, or peeing, but right now you didn't care. You decided to call your sister, not wanting to deal with Mom right now.

Ring ring...

Ring ring...

Ring ring...


"Hey this is Serena (L/N) if you please leave-" you canceled the call, shaking your head "Damn" you murmured then began calling your Mom.

Ring ring...

Ring ring...




You opened your mouth to respond but you could only freeze for a moment before clearing your throat "Hey." you said coldly. There was a gasp on the other end.

"Oh, (Y/N)? Oh, my baby, it's so good to hear your voice" your eyes began to well up as your expression remained cold.

"Could have heard it anytime, my phone number hasn't changed... Sup?" you asked, cutting right to the chase.

"I talked with Serena the other day, she told me all about what you're doing. I can't believe my baby is an Avenger now! Thats such a step up!"

You waited a moment with a blink "So you called me... To talk about the fact that I'm an Avenger now?" you asked for clarity.

She scoffed a little "Well more than talk about that! I just wanted to offer my congratulations, you were always so smart and strong, and now my baby's an Avenger!"

She Burns (Final Form) (LokiXReader)Where stories live. Discover now