3. Push Comes to Mind-Shove

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Italics is you

Bold is Loki

You looked at the last thing you typed, despite how positive the overall experience was, that is possible that he could get revoked. You hesitated for a moment, were you really about to help the 'God' of Lies on some flimsy promise of training? You bit your lip remembering he'd also said 'If I could' at the end of his thought.

You looked at the video feed as Fury and Vision exchanged words. Loki seemed to look directly at the camera... directly at you. You gulped and changed it to 'Still has lingering thoughts of the ruling, but no resolution to act' then looked back at the feed to Loki who smirked at you.

You caught herself staring for a moment before catching your breath and sliding down the wall you'd been pressing yourself against in fear this whole time.

After you'd slid down there was a jiggle at the door before it flew open and Nat was at your side "Are you okay? Did he come in here?" she asked, making you look at her "I'm fine... He didn't, I was just afraid he would... I think he heard me the whole time." you admitted, looking at Nat, Tony, and Steve who'd entered

"Wait wait, she was in here the whole time? And what you couldn't be bothered to tell us?" Tony asked, clearly annoyed. You and Nat stood "Loki's a mind reader too, special precautions had to be made to make sure no one in the building knew she was here." she explained as you picked up your items.

Tony huffed and rubbed his temples "We knew about her and you didn't keep us in the loop in case this went south, we could have been waiting off base with you and Fury." Steve said. You shook your head

"Guys, really, it's okay-"

"-No (Y/N), you don't get it he's-"

"-Good." you finished.

They all stared as Nat looked at the tablet you clutched to your chest and gestured it "How'd he do?" she asked, to which you handed it to you "Besides some sass, snarky comments, and a superiority complex he's fine... I think he's ready" you said with a shrug, meaning it mostly.

You crossed your arms as Nat went over it with a sigh "Damn." she murmured knowing she couldn't argue with your's evidence. You looked at the three of them discussing it 'Well?' you heard in your head, causing you to jump a little "(Y/N), you alright?" Steve asked.

'I'm fine, it's just cold' Loki said as though reading you the line. You smiled "Just kinda cold and cramped, could we move?" you asked, gesturing that they were in a broom closet and ushered everyone out. Nat looked at you "You did great, we still need to meet to discuss his own thing but you've held up your end. You can stay here while Tony and Bruce study you." she explained.

Although you smiled, you were only half listening

'So far so good, but it's out of my hands now, they need to vote.' you thought back 'Am I projecting right now?'

'Yes, remember, you'd be getting a soft pressure if I was reading you.'

'Ah... So we're essentially just shouting at each other?'

'Correct, you catch on quickly darling'

You blushed slightly then cleared your throat "I'm sorry, you said something about a room? and that's here, with the Avengers?" you asked. Tony looked back "Sorry kiddo, but the labs here it's just easier." he said, you looked at your hands nervously, as you knew that it meant Loki too.

'What's wrong? Sick of me already?'

You frowned 'Sick of things I don't understand happening. I'd appreciate it if you could stay out of my head for a bit'

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