18. Mani, Nora, and Spoilers

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Your eyes shone again as Sol appeared, placing your bow to your violin as Serena began playing the song you two agreed on

As the song commenced you kept your eyes on the sky scanning carefully, Sol had said she'd be coming around the time the comet did. That meant Mani was going to come crashing to earth, being from a different dimension, literally. As you two played wonderfully together, just like when you were children again, playing off of each other's tempos and shaking your hips as the music picked up again.

However, as the song ended nothing seemed to have changed and you groaned before nudging your head at the second violin, to which she nodded, knowing that you were about to channel more of Sol and she needed to be led. You sighed "Sol, we need full-throttle on this I think," you said while hopping off the stage as your sister stayed up "Alright," she said as you prepared to basically give Sol the controls while she channeled you. You inhaled and submitted to her, engulfing yourself in her flame-like glow, as your sister stared at you for a moment before shaking her head and stood tall, readying her bow.

You two began playing fervently with the jaunty tune, the music seemingly giving off a sound wave-type blast into the sky as the meteor drew closer. The waves shot to the sky seeming to disappear before a purple spark ignited and began to shoot seemingly straight down at you two. Your grin grew as Sol continued to play "She's coming!" you both yelled over the mic, continuing to play mostly to finish the song and finish calling her here. As the comet approached the flurry of walkie-talkie noise drowned out in your ears as you heard a woman's beautiful voice singing as the comet grew closer.

You continued playing as tears streamed down your face, the singing was deafening to you but you couldn't stop listening, it was like being enveloped in a blanket made from nothingness. At one point you heard Loki's magic behind you and the second violin ceased playing as you waited a moment longer, you wanted to make sure it hit the ground before you moved, not wanting to risk it hitting anyone.

About 10 miles in front of you the comet made contact with the earth as the song finished you smirked as the comet split the earth down the middle, you teleported over to where the Avengers were waiting. You panted as they turned to you, smiling as Sol released you, this time leaving you with your clothes thank god. You watched as the comet skidded to a stop in front of the stage, the ground finally ceasing its rumbling below your feet "Is everyone alright?" Fury called over coms and one by one all four teams reported all clear, mind a few people that got a little shook up but they're fine.

"Brother! What is the matter?"

You turned as Thor exclaimed, looking at Loki who was also sobbing with you, no sound escaped but tears ran down his face "You can hear it?" you asked, to which he nodded "Its beautiful.... I've never heard anything like it..." he trailed which ow, but whatever. You blinked "Wait-" you turned to Wanda who was also crying and looking at the Meteor, "I think she's in the meteor" she said, looking at it with you, the music did seem stronger from there. Fury was about to send a team over to the meteor and everyone clapped your shoulder, but then the music got quieter slowly but surely. You tilted your head then looked at the other two that could hear it, worry also ladened their eyes as you all seemed to have the same thought:

'She needs to get out now!'

You dropped your instrument and tore off your shoes "Thor! With me!" you yelled before running to the meteor at full speed, Thor followed you closely while summoning Storm Bringer. Fury cursed as your tears increased "Agent (L/N) get back here!" he yelled after you but nothing could stop you "Director Fury her sound is fading, somethings wrong!" you yelled as you caught up, heaving a little as you cried, the singing was so loud now, almost as deafening as when your earbuds died.

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