22. 72 Hours

180 6 0

You inhaled and slowly opened your eyes feeling pressure all over your body. You groaned, wanting to cover your eyes but you couldn't move "Careful." Loki said. You looked up then went to move, but he only held you tighter "I'm sorry," he said, you met his eyes, they were different than they were a moment ago "What happened?" you asked, holding your head. He kissed your head, stroking the opposite shoulder of yours that rested against your shoulder "Sol took over and we talked." he said.

You arched a brow at him as he sighed shakily "She made me realize that I've been... Somewhat disrespectful to you... I lumped you in with fragile midguardians while keeping you close and protected. I was terrified to hurt you, I still am but Sol made me realize that you are far stronger than I have been giving you credit for." he said. You blinked at him, resting your head on his shoulder. "I never told you about my lineage or my heat because I didn't think you'd be able to handle it... I thought you'd leave and when you started questioning me about it it felt like you were asking for a way out," he explained.

You listened carefully, not that you could do much, your whole body ached "So I began pushing you away before you could leave... Then Sol came out and whipped me into shape for lack of a better word" he explained. You arched a brow and looked around realizing that not only were you outside, you were in the training field and the ground around you was messed up, but Loki was the only one with cuts on his face and dirt on his clothes.

Sol must have beaten his ass.

You grinned a little as he scoffed at your thought "She did not... but she did show me your strength... Strength that I didn't even know you had." he said, pulling you tighter. You started to feel a little less angry but it still built "I'm not mad that you don't respect me, you don't respect any Midguardians... I'm mad that you don't trust me like you used to." you said, with a sniffle. He looked down as his other hand rested on your thigh, your legs hanging off the side "I miss when I had the mind-reading and everything was so open and honest, we both felt so safe with each other because we know everything and now, I still know, but I don't have that certainty... With you there was a comfort in having my mind opened, despite your walls." you explained.

After a moment of silence, you could feel his heart rate going up a bit as though he were nervous, so you lifted his t-shirt a little to press your palm flat on his chest and inhaled deeply, trying to get him to calm down. He followed suit then exhaled with you, you repeated a couple more times before he reached his hand up to yours, holding it there for a moment "I'm what's called a Frost Giant... Odin found me on Jotunheim after the war... I'd been abandoned-" You looked up at him, holding his face gently "-You are more than welcome to keep going... But I only want to hear it if you are truly comfortable with me knowing." you assured.

He inhaled again then nodded, resting his forehead on yours with his eyes closed "... I'd been abandoned after the war, too small for a Frost Giant. Odin stole me, and raised me as his own, like a trophy... Constantly teased me with power, making me wait, then, I found out about where I came from... and that he never intended for me to have the crown." he explained softly.

You pressed your lips together, still holding his face as he spoke "Frost Giants are a hunter race... Their skin is like ice with runic etchings, it can burn through the strongest Asgardian leather by touch, they go into heat during the winter and it can be..." he cleared his throat "Consuming... And I'd assumed I'd be fine since I had you but it still happened. I was afraid because if you hadn't said something you would not have left that room for a week. Whether you wanted to or not." he said, his voice deepening with your blush as he spoke.

You nodded a little "I didn't realize it was that fervent." you said, clearing your throat as he chuckled "Don't even act like I didn't hear the littlest bit of interest at that" he said, you buried your face in him to hide it. He moved the arm that was caressing yours to your back and propped you up so he could look at you "This is all still very new to me... Just caring for... Anyone else like this... I'm still learning how I am as I go, and I beg for how this will affect us in the future." he explained. You smiled and shook your head "I'm not much better at this either... I'm sorry if I pushed you, It's just weird being in the dark again." you explained, rubbing his chest a little.

She Burns (Final Form) (LokiXReader)Where stories live. Discover now