29. It Was Fun While It Lasted

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3 Months Later

You slammed the wooden training spear down to Nora who caught it and kicked you back before spinning and knocking you out of the ring with a groan. She gasped and ran over "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" she yelled, kneeling by you as you laughed and smiled "Why are you sorry Nora that was incredible!" you exclaimed. You jumped back up and hugged the girl tightly "You wrung me out I'm so proud of you! You've progressed so much!" you exclaimed then pulled back and smirked "Bet you're thankful for all that training with Thor eh?" you asked, smacking her arm. She laughed "In more ways than one believes me." she said, clapping a hand on your back as well before walking to your water bottles. These past months you've been focused on teaching Nora everything she needs to go into battle, it had been decided after a week, she was to join the Avengers once she was done training!

You'd been doing pretty good too, but still insanely busy. Between your own training, helping train Nora, going on missions, music lessons, being asked to teleport to disaster areas to heal, you had NO free time. You barely got to see Loki but you made it work in the ways you could. Like right now, you finally had a few days but Loki was off in Serbia with Cap, Bucky, and Nat hunting down a lab they think might have been big enough to make The Beast.

You stretched a bit "Let's do something different for the lesson today" you said with a smile and stood "Let's go play outside, the sound is different and I need to work on my tan" you said, Nora nodded "Yeah that sounds nice actually, I haven't been able to leave the base too much, they want me to leave with an escort every time and it's a whole thing." she said annoyed. You laughed and nodded "Your training is coming along wonderfully I'm sure once that's over with you can spring forth and go to all the sex shops you want" you teased, making her flush "Hey its not like I have a super hot god boyfriend I can just fuck whenever I want" she teased back.

A while back she'd asked if you could take her somewhere no judgment, and it was a sex shop, it seems she's been a bit pent up with Thor around her all the time. You had to smile, her confidence seemed to be growing, she was getting bolder, stood up for herself more and such. You knew exactly who was behind that too.

You chuckled as you rounded the corner "No but you do have a super hot god friend that would probably fuck you if you just asked nicely~" you teased, sipping your water bottle. She shivered at the thought and smacked your arm

"Stop! I don't want Thor to hear you talking about that!"

"Talking about what dear goddesses?"

You jumped with Nora as Thor had rounded a corner and was standing in front of you two. You smirked a little "Thor you're just who we needed to see. Got a quick hypothetical question for you." you said, putting your arm around his shoulder. He nodded "I'm listening," he said with that same big grin, wearing a zipper hoodie and shorts with his hands wrapped up, ready to train. Nora flushed and glared 'I hate you I hate you I hate you' she projected continuously, completely overlooking that Thor was checking her out in her workout attire.

"Say a female friend of yours has been pent up for a REALLY long time. She comes to you one day and asks that you help her by having sex to relieve said aggression. What would you say?" you asked. As the question went on Thor merely nodded, listening to the conversation then laughed a little "Of course!" he exclaimed, glancing at Nora for a moment. You smirked and chuckled a little bit, feeling mischievous, so you looked at Nora whose face was in her hands, pinching the bridge of her nose "See?" you asked, making her look up, glaring harder "Oh shit" you murmured, recognizing that look "Uh... Meet you outside? AH!" you yelped as she swung, ducking and teleporting to your room.

You laughed with a grin, that oughta be an interesting conversation for them, hopefully, progressive as well, you've been trying to play matchmaker for months. You began peeling off your workout clothes, tossing them in the hamper, when your phone went off. As it did you stopped in your tracks and walked over, smiling as you read the screen

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