8. Anybody Out There?

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-Living room POV-

(Y/N) stood pacing the living room in thought before clapping, making everyone jump "I gotta-" she span, looking for someone "-I gotta tell Tony." she said in shock, slurring a bit. Steve stood "What are you talking-" she closed her eyes and teleported away, earning several shocked expressions. Steve looked around, now worried "Where'd she go?" he asked as Loki groaned and stood, walking over to a bin "Ovitr Kona" he cursed (Basically 'stupid woman') as he grabbed it and teleported "Lab!" Bruce said as he and the others began to run/stumbling to Tony's lab.

--Your POV--

"Tony!" you said louder than you meant as you reappeared. Tony jumped and backed away from you, knocking over a stool "(Y/N) what the hell-?!" "Yeah yeah I can teleport, don't worry about that now. Tony. Why am I physically unable to read just one mind? Why am I naturally made to read so much?!" you asked, putting your hands on his shoulders as Loki appeared.

Tony shook his head "I'm glad you're out of your room but back up, I can SMELL the mead on your breath," he said, turning away from your face. You shook your head "Tony focus, acknowledge my genius." you stated, looking at both of him very seriously. Tony thought for a moment, allowing the other Avengers to show up then looked at you in surprise "Because you're not supposed to read one mind... " he trailed, as you backed up and nodded.

"Yeah, I'm supposed to read a lot." you said then looked at Loki and the others "I'm not mind reading I'm mind scanning," you said, picking up a book that showed an illustration of Sol and Mani and showing it to Loki. He examined it "I'm scanning minds near me, looking for my Mani" she explained, pointing at the book, handing it to Loki who looked at it briefly before looking up "She may be right" Tony confirmed.

Everyone looked surprised as you backed up and did a 'Mind blow' motion and nodded at them, Loki sighed "Yes that's great you did excellent (Y/N)" he said then held up a wastebasket "You're going to want this". You tilted your head just as your stomach started churning "Oh." you said before grabbing the bin and kneeling over it as he held back your hair "Yes yes, no teleporting after three meads" he said, rubbing your back as you dry-heaved.

Everyone looked at each other, unsure of how to process everything "So... How long have you been able to teleport?" Tony asked, you raised your head "Since the day you guys made your offer... You left and it started" you explained before lowering your head again.

Loki sighed and stood up, hoisting you over his shoulder "I'm taking her to bed" he said "Ah ah ah, no you're not Reindeer games, Thor take her to her room" Tony said. Thor nodded and stepped forward, slipping after one step then stood up again "Maybe Loki should take her" he said, realizing he's a 'little' drunk.

Tony huffed "Any damn one of you sober to walk and carry someone?" Tony asked, Loki sighed "You don't trust me to take her to her room?" he asked, narrowing his eyes at Tony ''I know you can take her to her room, it's what you might do once you get there I'm concerned about '' he said.

Loki glared "I may be many awful things, but at least I didn't leave her alone in a cave to be kidnapped and tortured" he hissed, handing you the basket again "You'll want that again I'm sorry." he said before teleporting the two of you back to your room. You coughed again, becoming sick at the sensation of teleporting, then sat up panting "Thank you" you whimpered out then stood up "I didn't throw up, but the body keeps threatening to..." you trailed noticing Loki wasn't looking at you, staggering a bit.

You looked Loki up and down as he rubbed his temples, you blinked at him then tilted your head and walked over as he seemed distracted by the argument. You eyed him up and down from behind those pants cradling a perfect ass and looked up to the button-up he'd worn that clung to his back as if it were to rip off any minute.

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