34. A Choice

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You cracked your neck as you stood, adjusting in the surprisingly comfortable Asgardian armor, the spear and shield firmly in your grip. You stood, staring down a massive army of Hydra tanks, cars, and a lot of very angry nazis, the only thing between it and the city was you. You turn your head to the right and left, you were surrounded on all sides by comrades, you wouldn't have it any other way. To your left was your squad, Dr. Strange and Nightwolf, to your right, the Avengers, Nora, and Loki.

You took a deep breath and looked forward "Everyone clear on the plan?" you asked, Bosun nodded "St. Bernards with Steve, Bucky, and Natasha, clear out foot soldiers" he said, cocking his pistols. Sam held up his hand, standing by Tony, Wanda, and Vision "Air support" he said, Clint walked up with Bruce "Heavy Artillery" he said meekly. You smiled and nodded "Final boss," you said your role and looked forward before huffing and looking at Nora. She nodded back.



As flames engulfed you, the cosmos swallowed Nora, and you all charged forward.

You blinded the first wave of soldiers as you flew low, Nora skating at your side as the two of you tried to stay low and find Skoll. You dodged and swerved when you needed to, following the sense in your stomach, that overwhelming power source! You occasionally stabbed or hit at someone who tried hitting you or was giving someone in the team a hard time, but for the most part you focused on flying to the source. Which unfortunately seemed to be coming from something in the far distance you couldn't see yet, but it was big and smokey... Like that Beast from the mountain.

You winced as something small cut your hand, it burned a little afterward, you examined it as you healed it then winced, feeling sick. You turned to Nora as she exclaimed "(Y/N) look out! Silver weapons!" she exclaimed, dodging some hits herself. You nodded, looking up as the beast approached "Shit" you cursed, stopping to throw your spear at some soldiers "Chances are the beast is silver again!" you exclaimed. Nora cursed, occasionally bubbling some of the Hydra and knocking them back "We need to get him to come out of the beast somehow! Knock it out of commission!" you exclaimed.

Nora stood by you then smirked "I've got an idea! Follow me!" she exclaimed as Thor looked over, knocking some people back. She flew off with you shortly behind her, a little higher, approaching the beast at full ignorant speed "Nora, any time you want to share this plan!" you exclaimed. She summoned her violin "Keep it away from me, it takes me time to charge up the spell!" she exclaimed. You thought a moment then nodded "I think I can do that" you said as the flames encasing your body got brighter.

Nora nodded as the cosmos bent around her, you approached the beast, she began playing. The Beast looked exactly like the one from the mountain, except that it dwarfed it 'Atleast it's slow' you thought in relief. You repeatedly flew behind its head and struck the underside of it, harder when it looked at Nora, just keeping it disoriented. It roared at you, letting you see its metal teeth, the smoke coming from a thick portion of its body where that stomach pit feeling was coming from. That had to be where Skoll is.

The beast was suddenly hit with Stormbringer as Thor had appeared, sending lightning to anyone that came close to Nora. You watched as Nora played furiously, the aura around her increasing gradually, her notes were smooth and her posture, even in the air, was perfect. You shook your head, bringing yourself to the present, the monster slowly began to lock up "I can hold him frozen for a few minutes! Attack where the computer is!" Nora said over the coms. You nodded and reeled back, lowering yourself to where Loki was knocking out tanks left and right "Loki!" you exclaimed. He turned as you leaned down, holding your hand out to catch him quickly "I need coverage and a flat surface!" you yelled, yanking him up. He nodded and conjured a glider-like mount and began flying to the creature, summoning a shield to block anything that came near the two of you.

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