17. Comet Day

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--Six Months Later--

You blocked high, low, then mid as Steven and Bucky each took a turn trying to land a hit on you but neither of them could do it, they both swung which you ducked under and effectively punched Steve in the jaw and kicked Bucky in the chest, the training buzzer blared loudly upon contact. The two of them huffed as you fell, clutching your arm "Ahh!" you yelled, then looked at it, you definitely broke your thumb. Steve walked over, offering you a hand "Good thing you have healing powers'' he said, as he helped you stand "Yeah, it's great, so I can keep doing this over and over'' you murmured while putting your finger on your thumb, tracing along the bone to heal it.

Bucky clapped his hand on your shoulder "Awesome job, seriously" he said, rubbing his chest where you'd kicked as Fury came on-screen "Nice work, (L/N)" he praised, writing something down. You smiled and huffed, feeling real pride. It's been six months, making it almost a year since you came here. You were doing amazing so far, you've been training every day, you had almost complete control and understanding of your powers and you were able to start incorporating them into your fighting techniques a couple of months back!

The two clapped a hand on your back before walking out, but you stayed "Alright, who's next?" you asked with an ear-to-ear grin. Fury looked at the board then smiled at you "Outside, we're taking this elsewhere" he said as you frowned, it was never a fun thing when Fury smiled. You walked outside to the training field, just a big grass well-mowed field, but this was the site of many long awful training regimens, particularly involving- A loud crash brought your attention back to your reality with a sigh "Hey Thor" you said hoarsely, still sore from the training last week.

"Fear not, Lady (Y/N), I will take it easy"

"No you will not, this is a ready-mission test"

"I apologize Lady (Y/N) I cannot take it easy"

You laughed and shook your head "Don't worry about it Thor!... You were gonna kick my ass either way..." you murmured the last part to yourself then cracked your neck, readying as you did. Fury shook his head "It's not just Thor today." he said, you glanced up and groaned until Wanda flew down "Ah shit, you're actively trying to kill me" "No not yet!" Wanda called from across the field as the Avengers group gathered around, excited to watch.

Fury pointed to several green lights on Wanda and Thor "These are your kill sites, if you hit these with your spear they turn red, any combination of two of these will kill your opponent and you will pass, turning you into a full-fledged Avenger." Fury said then shrugged "If you hit it," he said. You inhaled slowly then exhaled at the same pace before looking at your friends, including Loki who grinned at you beaming with pride and snarky smugness.

'I can't wait to watch you crush him'

You blushed a little then readied yourself "Alright Sol... Discord time." you said before your eyes flared out as the two of you took your stance before smirking and urging the two closer with a gesture. Fury backed up off the field before giving a countdown.

"3... 2... 1... GO!"

You darted over to them as they were to you and met in the middle with an amazing knockback to all three of you, which you recovered and flew to the two, summoning the practice spear and shield Sol absorbed so long ago, beginning to jab at Wanda, trying to hit one of the targets. Wanda was, in your opinion, more of a bigger threat so you had to take her out first but before you could hit a target she knocked you back into the ground.

You recovered by standing then began running before getting an idea, seeing that she was waiting for you to come to her. You smirked and threw your shield at her to distract her from seeing you throwing your spear into the air. She went to block the shield but missed, just knocking the marker on her stomach and sending her back a few feet. She went to defend as you charged her head-on, Thor threw the ax at you to defend her but before it hit, you smirked and teleported behind and above her, grabbing your spear before it dug into the earth and slammed it down to the marker on the back of her head.

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