12. Judgement

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--Loki's POV--

(Y/n) and I could have sat there for the rest of the night and I wouldn't have complained a bit. However, Thor seemed to be incessant on them coming downstairs for another drink. I looked down at the birthday girl, a light blush coating her cheeks as she nuzzled into my chest "Ready for another drink, or are you done?" I asked, gently petting her hair as she nodded "Another!" she exclaimed then ran down the stairs as I followed closely behind.

It'd been a while since I could drink like this, it reminded me of the victory feasts from home, Thor's echoing boom of a voice helped provide the atmosphere of course. I sighed as Thor poured the birthday girl yet another mead and shook my head "I hope sincerely you've been-" Thor shook his head, pulling me over as he poured a third drink for me "Stop bothering the lady brother, she could not be any safer" he said, pouring two drinks for Pierre, who handed one to (Y/N).

I stared at the bitter liquid and sighed before chugging it, deciding that tonight was a night to celebrate... I'd already had a few anyhow. Serena had clapped her hands excitedly "C'mon Loki, sexy Norse singing~" she cooed excitedly as the others seemed to look at me excitedly, I arched a brow "What?" I asked, looking at Thor who laughed. "I promised them a bardic tune from home... Well, I promised them you would" he murmured with a hiccup.

I rolled my eyes "Why me?" I asked, Thor, shook his head then smiled "Why brother I volunteered you because you have the best singing voice!" he exclaimed as if making sure the whole room heard. I squinted my eyes at him "You've never suggested that I sing what-" a tugging sensation on my sleeve pulled my attention to (Y/N) who was looking at me with wide doe eyes as she clung to my sleeve.

She batted her eyelashes for a moment "You can sing?" she asked innocently, my face warming up before I sighed "There are a couple of bardic tunes that I-" she sat on the couch. She looked up at me with wide glazed-over eyes, clearly, I at least had her complete attention, and I cleared my throat, taking off my coat "I suppose I can regale the birthday girl with a song" I said, as though I wasn't more than willing. I looked around for some form of a musical instrument but found none. "Do we have any sort of instrument?" I asked, looking where the band was.

(Y/N) stood, sipping her drink with one finger up "Hang on a sec-" she said before teleporting away, which worried me a bit, I could summon her but she was slightly unattended for a very drunk woman. A surprised sound came from across the room, everyone looked to Serena, (Y/N)'s sister, with wide eyes.

Tony waved his hand "First time teleportation?" he asked jokingly, resting a hand on Pepper's hip, Serena slowly shifted her head side to side "I knew she had powers... But for so long we didn't believe her so it's... Sort of my first time seeing it." she explained, setting down her drink. I nodded, "So you believe her now?" I asked, leaning forward with my drink, she looked at me and nodded "Yeah... " she trailed nervously. I leaned back and sipped my drink "Delayed reaction isn't it?" I asked, Thor looked at me annoyed "Loki" he warned. Serena held up her hand "No no, he's right, it is." she said, rolling her lips through her teeth "But I'm trying to be better." she said. I met her eyes a moment, they shined with a combination of concern and regret that I felt akin to, and nodded "I can understand that" I said simply. She nodded and smiled back with respect.

After a worrying moment, she teleported back with a hiccup, a small bag in one hand, no bigger than a makeup bag, and a case in the other. She set her things down and opened the case as though she just stepped out of the room for a minute "Wait, (Y/N), where did you go?" Bucky asked, watching her pull out a black violin with vibrant white strings "I just went to my old home! I still have a bunch of my stuff there." she explained simply.

I tilted my head as she seemed prepared to play something. "You can play the violin?" I asked as she seemed to look at her sister who laughed "Oh yeah, our parents were music teachers who always insisted that we learn three. I learned Piano, flute, and bassoon, she learned the theremin, the violin... and..." she trailed, trying to remember, the tequila she nursed starting to affect her.

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